2008-01-07 20:36:47 UTC
"Elijahovah" <idiot that twists numbers to suit himself> wrote in message
After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In
Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for
36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years. Then Eridug fell and the
kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for
43200 years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd,
ruled for 36000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years. Then Bad-tibira
fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Larag. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana
ruled for 28800 years. 1 king; he ruled for 28800 years. Then Larag fell (?)
and the kingship was taken to Zimbir. In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king;
he ruled for 21000 years. 1 king; he ruled for 21000 years. Then Zimbir fell
(?) and the kingship was taken to Curuppag. In Curuppag, Ubara-Tutu became
king; he ruled for 18600 years. 1 king; he ruled for 18600 years. In 5
cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years. Then the flood swept over.
40-94After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from
heaven, the kingship was in Kic. In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for
1200 years. Kullassina-bel ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900) years.
Nanjiclicma ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 670 (?) years. En-tarah-ana ruled for
(ms. P2+L2 has:) 420 years ......, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days. Babum ......
ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 300 years. Puannum ruled for 840 (ms. P2+L2 has
instead: 240) years. Kalibum ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900)
years. Kalumum ruled for 840 (mss. P3+BT14, Su1 have instead: 900) years.
Zuqaqip ruled for 900 (ms. Su1 has instead: 600) years. (In mss. P2+L2,
P3+BT14, P5, the 10th and 11th rulers of the dynasty precede the 8th and
9th.) Atab (mss. P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5 have instead: Aba) ruled for 600 years.
Macda, the son of Atab, ruled for 840 (ms. Su1 has instead: 720) years.
Arwium, the son of Macda, ruled for 720 years. Etana, the shepherd, who
ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries, became king;
he ruled for 1500 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 635) years. Balih, the son of
Etana, ruled for 400 (mss. P2+L2, Su1 have instead: 410) years. En-me-nuna
ruled for 660 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 621) years. Melem-Kic, the son of
En-me-nuna, ruled for 900 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1560 are the years of
the dynasty of En-me-nuna . Barsal-nuna, the son of En-me-nuna, (mss. P5,
P3+BT14 have instead: Barsal-nuna) ruled for 1200 years. Zamug, the son of
Barsal-nuna, ruled for 140 years. Tizqar, the son of Zamug, ruled for 305
years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1620 + X ....... Ilku ruled for 900 years.
Iltasadum ruled for 1200 years. En-men-barage-si, who made the land of Elam
submit, became king; he ruled for 900 years. Aga, the son of
En-men-barage-si, ruled for 625 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1525 are the
years of the dynasty of En-men-barage-si. 23 kings; they ruled for 24510
years, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days. Then Kic was defeated and the kingship was
taken to E-ana.
Incorporate those numbers into your babble.
== HEBREW == (1513 BC)
Flood 2370 BC in year 600
Ur 2239 BC founded by Peleg Mesanipada
2233 BC calendar epagum recognition in year 740
(601 +137 = 601 +139 x360 days)
2207 BC kingship for 177 years
If you had a clue you would use actual Sumerian sources.Flood 2370 BC in year 600
Ur 2239 BC founded by Peleg Mesanipada
2233 BC calendar epagum recognition in year 740
(601 +137 = 601 +139 x360 days)
2207 BC kingship for 177 years
After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In
Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for
36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years. Then Eridug fell and the
kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for
43200 years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd,
ruled for 36000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years. Then Bad-tibira
fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Larag. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana
ruled for 28800 years. 1 king; he ruled for 28800 years. Then Larag fell (?)
and the kingship was taken to Zimbir. In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king;
he ruled for 21000 years. 1 king; he ruled for 21000 years. Then Zimbir fell
(?) and the kingship was taken to Curuppag. In Curuppag, Ubara-Tutu became
king; he ruled for 18600 years. 1 king; he ruled for 18600 years. In 5
cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years. Then the flood swept over.
40-94After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from
heaven, the kingship was in Kic. In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for
1200 years. Kullassina-bel ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900) years.
Nanjiclicma ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 670 (?) years. En-tarah-ana ruled for
(ms. P2+L2 has:) 420 years ......, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days. Babum ......
ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:) 300 years. Puannum ruled for 840 (ms. P2+L2 has
instead: 240) years. Kalibum ruled for 960 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 900)
years. Kalumum ruled for 840 (mss. P3+BT14, Su1 have instead: 900) years.
Zuqaqip ruled for 900 (ms. Su1 has instead: 600) years. (In mss. P2+L2,
P3+BT14, P5, the 10th and 11th rulers of the dynasty precede the 8th and
9th.) Atab (mss. P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5 have instead: Aba) ruled for 600 years.
Macda, the son of Atab, ruled for 840 (ms. Su1 has instead: 720) years.
Arwium, the son of Macda, ruled for 720 years. Etana, the shepherd, who
ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries, became king;
he ruled for 1500 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 635) years. Balih, the son of
Etana, ruled for 400 (mss. P2+L2, Su1 have instead: 410) years. En-me-nuna
ruled for 660 (ms. P2+L2 has instead: 621) years. Melem-Kic, the son of
En-me-nuna, ruled for 900 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1560 are the years of
the dynasty of En-me-nuna . Barsal-nuna, the son of En-me-nuna, (mss. P5,
P3+BT14 have instead: Barsal-nuna) ruled for 1200 years. Zamug, the son of
Barsal-nuna, ruled for 140 years. Tizqar, the son of Zamug, ruled for 305
years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1620 + X ....... Ilku ruled for 900 years.
Iltasadum ruled for 1200 years. En-men-barage-si, who made the land of Elam
submit, became king; he ruled for 900 years. Aga, the son of
En-men-barage-si, ruled for 625 years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1525 are the
years of the dynasty of En-men-barage-si. 23 kings; they ruled for 24510
years, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days. Then Kic was defeated and the kingship was
taken to E-ana.
Incorporate those numbers into your babble.