2009-09-15 11:51:52 UTC
Amizaduga's archeological texts
Important information regarding Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is in many languages
And each language has different information on the topics.
In a Google search on Ammizaduqa
I came across GERMAN Wikipedia, and it also had a translation button.
The information for the tablets was not the same. Do undertsand that
the Venus dates are on several tablets are not the same. As copies of
copies these tablets are not the same or exact, they have errors.
But another reason is not just because of being a copy of copies, but
because as Venus repeats near the same dates decades later, the dates
do drift and shift so that a copyist might change the dates to fit his
current reality. Thus if you look up anything in Wikipedia, you may
wish to value what other language Wikipedia's have posted on your
topic. Hope this is helpful in YOUR researches as it is in mine.
Important information regarding Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is in many languages
And each language has different information on the topics.
In a Google search on Ammizaduqa
I came across GERMAN Wikipedia, and it also had a translation button.
The information for the tablets was not the same. Do undertsand that
the Venus dates are on several tablets are not the same. As copies of
copies these tablets are not the same or exact, they have errors.
But another reason is not just because of being a copy of copies, but
because as Venus repeats near the same dates decades later, the dates
do drift and shift so that a copyist might change the dates to fit his
current reality. Thus if you look up anything in Wikipedia, you may
wish to value what other language Wikipedia's have posted on your
topic. Hope this is helpful in YOUR researches as it is in mine.