Water canopy essential for 7 day carbon 14 chronology
Asteroid on 2009 April 9 Good Friday restores water canopy by the
same Flood method without the 40-day rain of a collapsing water
Due to double tectonic height elevation and ocean depth, the result
of equal energy is a drop of only half the event of Noah's 2370 BC
thus 5 months (April-Sept) of 6000 feet instead of 5 months (Nov-Apr)
of 11,000 feet of global ocean.
This leaves the mountains to flee to without building an ark.
Noah knew the mountains could not be covered again by oceans that
calculate as only 11,000 feet of global ocean depth. And so the
rainbow which proves never again will the water canopy collapse
and drown us by raining 40 days globally
(because it is gone and we get direct light making rainbows)
was to put aside our fear of rain being global. And the current
double height of mountains puts aside our fears of no place to flee
when the oceans come up from tectonic pressure when asteroid impacts
(see animated chart) which theoceans never stopped doing so in
earthquake and
tsunami. Our recent one being a reminder from Jehovah.