EGYPT IN THE AGE OF THE PHARAOHS, a lecture at the Grimsby Museum
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2010-01-07 22:07:55 UTC
Friday, January 15, 2010 At 07:00 pm
Grimsby Museum 6 Murray Street 905 945-5292
Email: ***@town.grimsby.on.ca
URL: http://www.town.grimsby.on.ca/Special-Events/

Egypt in the Age of the Pharaohs

Friday, January 15, 2010 7:00 p.m.

$25.00 for Grimsby Museum Members/ $30.00 for non-members

For many people, ancient Egypt is a land of mysteries. The
magnificent achievements of the ancient inhabitants of the Nile Valley
intrigue us and raise many questions:

How have the bodies of the pharaohs survived for millennia?
What did the ancient Egyptians eat?
When did they invent hieroglyphs?
Where have the treasures in the tombs of the kings and queens gone?
Who did the Egyptians think invented medicine and science - and still
had time to design pyramids?
Join us for an introduction to this fascinating "antique land" with
noted Egyptologist Dr. Lyn Green. Lyn Green received her doctorate in
Egyptology from the University of Toronto and has taught at the Royal
Ontario Museum and various universities in Ontario. Dr. Green is
currently the national President of The Society for the Study of
Egyptian Antiquities. We look forward to welcoming her to the Grimsby
Museum for an informative and entertaining talk in conjunction with
our current exhibition "Egypt: Gift of the Nile". Following the
presentation by Lyn Green you will have the opportunity to tour the
exhibition, EGYPT, GIFT OF THE NILE" and then enjoy refreshments.

Limited number of tickets are available. Please contact the Museum
office to reserve your tickets.
2010-01-08 15:58:22 UTC
Genesis explains that The Pharaoh was a house of kings before it
became a king of kings. This is because every intent to find
cooperation ends up following one as the leader. The Pharaoh has a
date. I can give you 12 world calendars that indicate 2370 BC was a
global planetary Flood but two ahould suffice (the 180 sothic leap
days of 720 years 2370-1650 BC Jannes is presumed by Egypt to begin
with Thoth as 720 years earlier (3090 BC Flood) and the 180 solar leap
day azimuth of 744 years 2370-1626 BC Amizaduga is presumed to precede
744 years in a Flood of 3114 BC. This can be done with every world
chronology because I had faith the WatchTower chronology was the true
skeletal structure of time.

before Noah's Egyptian grand children were born (founding Giza in 2170
BC) which will carbon date as 3000 BC due to carbon-14 intrusion after
the 40 feet of water vapor canopy collapsed. It reaches current
(pre-1950) levels at 2030 BC (already since 1950 being diluted now).

The Pharaoh has two new years, one of 365 day calendar on its new Year
Pamenot 1.
Manu (Hindu Noah) and Menes are the same name for two different
Man-Nu is Noah in flesh, and V-ish-Nu or ascended man Noah is the
spirit of Noah ascending to heaven.
It is mistakenly placed at the Flood by Hindu as 3102 BC Feb 16 (G.Jan
21) to end 40 days from Jan 7.
When he died then Narmer (Nimrod = Narmer-rod) took the name Mena
which Hindu said belonged to Noah and he established the Pharaoh or
house of kings at Noph Mizraim being that there was no Egypt by name
until 1290 BC, nor was there a Memphis by name until 778 BC.
Noah died on Greek christmas Dec 24 of 2021 BC on Egyptian date
6-14-349 (Persian Adur 14 = Mesor 14 before the 5-day shift of 1513 BC
which moved Mesor and not Adur) which death is in the 360-day calendar
the date 4-17-954; the seance of Noah at Babel spoke to Xisuthros 40
days until Feb 2 which is 7-24-954 (Thoth 24 christmas). Just as the
epagum days of 2020 BC July 9 (Noah's 11-04-954) followed by July 14
new year 350 was not yet called Pamenot (Noahs 11-09-954) and
reunification celebrated the new year of year 955 (2020 BC Sep 4). The
Ptah is Aug 25 when sun crosses over Mars and about a 90-day absence
of 45 days before and after is July 11 to Oct 9. The actual one man as
Pharaoh was when the 11th dynasty was granted kingship (its elders or
kings) to join the House. The first Pharaoh was thus the first king of
the 11th dynasty in 1986 BC. Though its epagum is July 1 and new year
July 6, the Saturnalia that is declared as The Flood Osiris is the
planet Saturn crossing Capricorn and the sun in Capricorn at Jan 6.
Thus Thoth 1 on Jan 2 marks a winter solstice of Thoth 5 on Jan 6 as
the first Pharaoh given the title of REBORN ONE (osiris) and as the
Capricorn Satutnalia of the Flood (2369 BC Jan 6 = Noah's 3-27-600 on
MK.Pakon 29 = NK.Payni 4 = Zoroastrian Sherever 29). Mention of these
first 5 days of Thoth as Pharaoh does not mean a reference to January
epagum days in 1986 BC. However, it was the Narmer who had diverted
the Nile in 2020 BC for the city of Memphis built by Hyksos shemetic
Chaldeans of Ur who came from Ararat with Hitites following Shem
Melchizedek as far as Salem. They set up astronomy on May 8 to observe
70 days until July 17, while Shem at Salem set up astronomy on May 6
to observe 74 days until July 19 in 2030 BC.
The Nile that Narmer diverted for Memphis in 2020 BC was the start of
those who raised the 12th dynasty to kingship in 1943 BC on the new
2010-01-08 16:12:51 UTC
Genesis explains that The Pharaoh was a house of kings before it
became a king of kings. This is because every intent to find
cooperation ends up following one as the leader. The Pharaoh has a
date. I can give you 12 world calendars that indicate 2370 BC was a
global planetary Flood but two ahould suffice (the 180 sothic leap
days of 720 years 2370-1650 BC Jannes is presumed by Egypt to begin
with Thoth as 720 years earlier (3090 BC Flood) and the 180 solar
day azimuth of 744 years 2370-1626 BC Amizaduga is presumed to
744 years in a Flood of 3114 BC. This can be done with every world
chronology because I had faith the WatchTower chronology was the true
skeletal structure of time.

before Noah's Egyptian grand children were born (founding Giza in
BC) which will carbon date as 3000 BC due to carbon-14 intrusion
the 40 feet of water vapor canopy collapsed. It reaches current
(pre-1950) levels at 2030 BC (already since 1950 being diluted now).

The Pharaoh has two new years, one of 365 day calendar on its new
Pamenot 1.
Manu (Hindu Noah) and Menes are the same name for two different
Man-Nu is Noah in flesh, and V-ish-Nu or ascended man Noah is the
spirit of Noah ascending to heaven.
It is mistakenly placed at the Flood by Hindu as 3102 BC Feb 16
21) to end 40 days from Jan 7.
When he died then Narmer (Nimrod = Narmer-rod) took the name Mena
which Hindu said belonged to Noah and he established the Pharaoh or
house of kings at Noph Mizraim being that there was no Egypt by name
until 1290 BC, nor was there a Memphis by name until 778 BC.
Noah died on Greek christmas Dec 24 of 2021 BC on Egyptian date
6-14-349 (Persian Adur 14 = Mesor 14 before the 5-day shift of 1513
which moved Mesor and not Adur) which death is in the 360-day
the date 4-17-954; the seance of Noah at Babel spoke to Xisuthros 40
days until Feb 2 which is 7-24-954 (Thoth 24 christmas). Just as the
epagum days of 2020 BC July 9 (Noah's 11-04-954) followed by July 14
new year 350 was not yet called Pamenot (Noahs 11-09-954) and
reunification celebrated the new year of year 955 (2020 BC Sep 4).
Ptah is Aug 25 when sun crosses over Mars and about a 90-day absence
of 45 days before and after is July 11 to Oct 9. The actual one man
Pharaoh was when the 11th dynasty was granted kingship (its elders or
kings) to join the House. The first Pharaoh was thus the first king
the 11th dynasty in 1986 BC. Though its epagum is July 1 and new year
July 6, the Saturnalia that is declared as The Flood Osiris is the
planet Saturn crossing Capricorn and the sun in Capricorn at Jan 6.
Thus Thoth 1 on Jan 2 marks a winter solstice of Thoth 5 on Jan 6 as
the first Pharaoh given the title of REBORN ONE (osiris) and as the
Capricorn Satutnalia of the Flood (2369 BC Jan 6 = Noah's 3-27-600 on
MK.Pakon 29 = NK.Payni 4 = Zoroastrian Sherever 29). Mention of these
first 5 days of Thoth as Pharaoh does not mean a reference to January
epagum days in 1986 BC. However, it was the Narmer who had diverted
the Nile in 2020 BC for the city of Memphis built by Hyksos shemetic
Chaldeans of Ur who came from Ararat with Hitites following Shem
Melchizedek as far as Salem. They set up astronomy on May 8 to
70 days until July 17, while Shem at Salem set up astronomy on May 6
to observe 74 days until July 19 in 2030 BC.
The Nile that Narmer diverted for Memphis in 2020 BC was the start of
those who raised the 12th dynasty to kingship in 1943 BC on the new
year June 25 (epagum days June 20) by introducing crop irrigation
canals. Meanwhile with the death of Shulgi at Ur in 1943 BC, Abram
sold and deserted what he had and moved to his 48-year old home in
Harran Syria where at 27 he had taken his 17-year old sister and
married her returning to and fro from Ur until that desertion. This
led to his entering Egypt either in 1943 BC or 1942 BC... Egyptian
Greek Septuagint uses 1941 BC. The significance of 1944-1942 BC is 427-
year Jupiter meets its closest Julian dates in 36 orbits. But it is
also the final accumulation that loses a 360-day calendar year as a 12-
year cycle. 432 calendar years (32x 12 years) in 426 years ends the
year before 36 orbits is completed in 433 calendar years spanning 427
years. Other factors to prove this (4x 12 year Jupiter) to him were
the 48 years of Shulgi to watch 8 year Venus from Dec 2127 BC to Dec
1991 BC (17x 8 years), and the moon of 75 years (2018-1943 BC = 3x 25
years = 3x 309 moons) versus the moon of 76 years (3x 19 years = 3x
235 moons). Why is it we build mass schools to rake in money for
scholars and professors who know nothing because they can't
reconstruct calendars nor reconstruct astronomy, and yet the guy like
me who knows we get hit by asteroid this year gets no pay at all? I
wanna know why. Someone speak up. I wanna know your smart ass got
killed by the disaster when it happens GRIN
