Roger Pearse
2011-01-21 23:24:17 UTC
Baloney, Christianiy didn't discover the Trinity until
500 years after Jesus was dead for chrissakes.
The "trinity" was declared as a dogma 325 CE at theBaloney, Christianiy didn't discover the Trinity until
500 years after Jesus was dead for chrissakes.
1st council of Nicaea. There's no such thing in any
other religion on this planet.
The Trinity was defined with that word (trinitas) ca. 215 AD by Tertullian in "Adversus Praxean". But he believed it was apostolic; and it is implicit in the New Testament teaching. The NT says (a) there is one God only, the Father (b) that Jesus is God (prayed to, worshipped, one with the Father) and (c) Jesus is not the Father. From that, I would have thought some formula like the Trinity was pretty much inevitable.
The Council of Nicaea did not discuss the Trinity, since everyone there believed in it. Rather they discussed whether the Second Person of the Trinity was of the same substance (homoousios) as the First Person, or of like substance.
The Egyptians knew about it and it was a central symbol
of Egyptian religion for thousands of years before
Please prove this claim. It is not backed up by anyof Egyptian religion for thousands of years before
facts. Trinity was the fabrication of Origenes (185
- 254 CE).
His writings influenced Silvester I. and
Ossius von Cordoba, who wanted to ban Arianism from
the body of the "true" church. Obviously, they won.
Arianism denied "trinity" completely.
Arius did not deny the Trinity, tho, or at least he didn't think he did, but rather the consubstantiality of the persons.Ossius von Cordoba, who wanted to ban Arianism from
the body of the "true" church. Obviously, they won.
Arianism denied "trinity" completely.
All the best,
Roger Pearse