Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
(too old to reply)
King Merenptah
2004-04-29 15:52:08 UTC
The general consensus reached at the Cairo Symposium was that there was no
evidence that the ancient Egyptians were white, and that Egypt was not
influenced by Mesopotamia, but the peoples from "the Great Lakes region in
inner-equatorial Africa."

For centuries, this area of equatorial Africa has been called "The Mountan of
the Moon" by the native inhabitants. As a matter of fact, in the language of
Ki-Swahili, 'Kilimanjaro' means "Mountain of the Moon," as does the Burgunda
word 'Rwenzori.' Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, rises to a
height of 19,340 feet. The second major contributor to the waters of the White
Nile is the Rwenzori Mountains, which border the countries of Uganda and Zaire.

The symposium also rejected the notion that Pharaonic Egyptian, which remained
a stable language for more than 4,500 years, was influenced by Semitic
language. The proceedings of the conference were published by UNESCO in 1978.

One of the most significant revelations presented at the Cairo Symposium was
Diop's development of the "Melanin Dosage Test." This one simple test provided
the means by which one could determine the PHENOTYPE of the Egyptian royal
mummies by examining the melanin content present in their skin.

The test involved the acquisition of specimens, consisting of a few square
millimeters of mummified skin, which were then coated with ethyl benzoate and
exposed to natural or ultra-violet light. This procedure rendered the melanin
ganules in the skin specimen fluorescent, thus enabling them to be counted by
Diop who stated that the experiements:

...show a melanin level which is nonexistent in the white-skinned races. Let us
simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by microscopic examination is a
laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians
unquestionably among the black races.

--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------

In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.

Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.

20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.

21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.

The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.

22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.

For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.

They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.

Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.

By Cheikh Anta Diop

Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder

King Merenptah

"As long as the world is dominated by White people, as long as those white
scientists - who now claim that there is no validity to the study of race -
continue to practice racism socially and academically and, most important, as
long as the Black race bears the badge of inferiority forced upon it by
scientists who have DISTORTED and suppressed Black history, we shall
prominently focus on it whenever and whereever the truth can be told until
sincere men of science return the Black race to its former position of respect
and reverence on the earth." - L. Clegg
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
2004-04-29 17:04:16 UTC
Post by King Merenptah
--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------
In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.
20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.
21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.
The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.
22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.
For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.
They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.
Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.
By Cheikh Anta Diop
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder
For another viewpoint, see:

Brace, C. L., Tracer, D. B., Yaroch, L. A., Robb, J., Brandt, K. and
Nelson, A. R. Clines and Clusters Versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt
and the Case of a Death on the Nile. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology
36 (1993): 1-31.

Leahy, A. Ethnic Diversity in Ancient Egypt. In _Civilizations of the
Ancient Near East 1_, ed. Jack M. Sasson, 225-34. New York: Scribner,
1995 onward.

Ortiz de Montellano, B. 1992, Magic Melanin. Skeptical Inquirer 16,

Ortiz de Montellano, B. R. Melanin, Afrocentricity and Pseudoscience.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 33-58.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks' and the Afrocentrists. In _Black
Athena Revisited_, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical
Evidence. Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall,
1989): 97-109.

Vercoutter, J. The Iconography of the Black in Ancient Egypt from the
Beginnings to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. In _The Image of the Black in
Western Art. Volume 1, From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman
Empire_, ed. J. Vercoutter, J. Leclant, F. M. Snowden and J. Desanges,
32-88, 291-92. New York: William Morrow, 1976.

__________.. The Peopling of Ancient Egypt. In _The Peopling of Ancient
Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the
Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974_, by the
Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of
Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978. (This
is the same conference as attended by Diop, above).

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, ASOR, EES, SSEA

Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom

King Merenptah
2004-04-29 20:23:35 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 10:04 AM Pacific Standard Time
Post by King Merenptah
--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------
In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence
Post by King Merenptah
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation,
Post by King Merenptah
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the
Post by King Merenptah
of fossil animals.
20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of
Post by King Merenptah
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.
21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even
Post by King Merenptah
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a
Post by King Merenptah
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.
The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the
Post by King Merenptah
excavations in Egypt.
22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an
Post by King Merenptah
state of preservation.
For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo
Post by King Merenptah
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of
Post by King Merenptah
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.
They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.
Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify
Post by King Merenptah
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.
By Cheikh Anta Diop
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks' and the Afrocentrists. In _Black
Athena Revisited_, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical
Evidence. Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall,
1989): 97-109.
__________.. The Peopling of Ancient Egypt. In _The Peopling of Ancient
Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the
Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974_, by the
Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of
Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978. (This
is the same conference as attended by Diop, above).
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Your other 'viewpoints' with the exception of the the UNESCO report mentioned
above, I checked the other source above and fail to see how or where it relates
to this thread. You say another viewpoint...but on what point exactly?

In addition, I've also noticed that Frank Snowden never mentions how the
ancient Egyptians themselves portrayed themselves. Snowden seems weighed down
more on the assertions made by Afrocentrists than simply proving our viewpoint
wrong. This is typical.

At the end of this chapter in the Summation states:

"Focusing on "black" Egypt, Afrocentrists have given insufficient attention to
the Nubians, the black southern neighbors of Egypt, and their experience in
various parts of the Mediterranean world. It is unfortunate that Afrocentrists
fail to realize the serious consequences of their distortions, inaccuracies,
and omissions, and the extent to which the Afrocentrist approach to ancient
Egypt has motivated many blacks to stir-up anti-white hostility. Substituting
fiction for fact is a disservice to blacks."


Although Snowden brings up some interesting facts regarding the Nubians
influence, he failed to mention discoveries made in Qustul, Nubia regarding the
33 Royal tombs found - and their significance to pre-Dynastic Egypt?

In addition, he claims the "Afrocentrists" are more concerned with the
(blackness) of the ancient Egyptians. I'd also assert that Snowden seems to be
doing exactly what he claims the Afrocentrists are doing, focusing too much on
the issue of ethnicity.

Afrocentrists are in fact correcting many of the distortions made regarding
ancient African history, including from some of the works made by Snowden.
We're talking about history that has been taught for hundreds of years that
left Africans OUT OF HISTORY in the area known to be where Blacks actually
originated, in Africa.

I also find it suspect when people claim that we do a "disservice" to blacks
without taking into account the disservice that's being done to whites...with
historical fabrications. Do not disregard that truth!

Snowden himself, BTW, is an "Afrocentrist" like all others studying the history
of Africa.

King Merenptah

Subject: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
From: ***@aol.com (King Merenptah)
Date: 4/29/2004 8:52 AM Pacific Standard Time
Message-id: <***@mb-m12.aol.com>

The general consensus reached at the Cairo Symposium was that there was no
evidence that the ancient Egyptians were white, and that Egypt was not
influenced by Mesopotamia, but the peoples from "the Great Lakes region in
inner-equatorial Africa."

For centuries, this area of equatorial Africa has been called "The Mountan of
the Moon" by the native inhabitants. As a matter of fact, in the language of
Ki-Swahili, 'Kilimanjaro' means "Mountain of the Moon," as does the Burgunda
word 'Rwenzori.' Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, rises to a
height of 19,340 feet. The second major contributor to the waters of the White
Nile is the Rwenzori Mountains, which border the countries of Uganda and Zaire.

The symposium also rejected the notion that Pharaonic Egyptian, which remained
a stable language for more than 4,500 years, was influenced by Semitic
language. The proceedings of the conference were published by UNESCO in 1978.

One of the most significant revelations presented at the Cairo Symposium was
Diop's development of the "Melanin Dosage Test." This one simple test provided
the means by which one could determine the PHENOTYPE of the Egyptian royal
mummies by examining the melanin content present in their skin.

The test involved the acquisition of specimens, consisting of a few square
millimeters of mummified skin, which were then coated with ethyl benzoate and
exposed to natural or ultra-violet light. This procedure rendered the melanin
ganules in the skin specimen fluorescent, thus enabling them to be counted by
Diop who stated that the experiements:

...show a melanin level which is nonexistent in the white-skinned races. Let us
simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by microscopic examination is a
laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians
unquestionably among the black races.

--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------

In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.

Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.

20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.

21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.

The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.

22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.

For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.

They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.

Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.

By Cheikh Anta Diop

Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder

King Merenptah

"As long as the world is dominated by White people, as long as those white
scientists - who now claim that there is no validity to the study of race -
continue to practice racism socially and academically and, most important, as
long as the Black race bears the badge of inferiority forced upon it by
scientists who have DISTORTED and suppressed Black history, we shall
prominently focus on it whenever and whereever the truth can be told until
sincere men of science return the Black race to its former position of respect
and reverence on the earth." - L. Clegg
Tom Shaw
2004-04-29 22:14:07 UTC
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best bad
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------
In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.
20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.
21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.
The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.
22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.
For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.
They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.
Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.
By Cheikh Anta Diop
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder
Brace, C. L., Tracer, D. B., Yaroch, L. A., Robb, J., Brandt, K. and
Nelson, A. R. Clines and Clusters Versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt
and the Case of a Death on the Nile. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology
36 (1993): 1-31.
Leahy, A. Ethnic Diversity in Ancient Egypt. In _Civilizations of the
Ancient Near East 1_, ed. Jack M. Sasson, 225-34. New York: Scribner,
1995 onward.
Ortiz de Montellano, B. 1992, Magic Melanin. Skeptical Inquirer 16,
Ortiz de Montellano, B. R. Melanin, Afrocentricity and Pseudoscience.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 33-58.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks' and the Afrocentrists. In _Black
Athena Revisited_, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical
Evidence. Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall,
1989): 97-109.
Vercoutter, J. The Iconography of the Black in Ancient Egypt from the
Beginnings to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. In _The Image of the Black in
Western Art. Volume 1, From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman
Empire_, ed. J. Vercoutter, J. Leclant, F. M. Snowden and J. Desanges,
32-88, 291-92. New York: William Morrow, 1976.
__________.. The Peopling of Ancient Egypt. In _The Peopling of Ancient
Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the
Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974_, by the
Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of
Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978. (This
is the same conference as attended by Diop, above).
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, ASOR, EES, SSEA
Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
King Merenptah
2004-04-30 00:30:03 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best bad
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own misery!

BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...

King MerenPTAH

Subject: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
From: ***@aol.com (King Merenptah)
Date: 4/29/2004 8:52 AM Pacific Standard Time
Message-id: <***@mb-m12.aol.com>

The general consensus reached at the Cairo Symposium was that there was no
evidence that the ancient Egyptians were white, and that Egypt was not
influenced by Mesopotamia, but the peoples from "the Great Lakes region in
inner-equatorial Africa."

For centuries, this area of equatorial Africa has been called "The Mountain of
the Moon" by the native inhabitants. As a matter of fact, in the language of
Ki-Swahili, 'Kilimanjaro' means "Mountain of the Moon," as does the Burgunda
word 'Rwenzori.' Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, rises to a
height of 19,340 feet. The second major contributor to the waters of the White
Nile is the Rwenzori Mountains, which border the countries of Uganda and Zaire.

The symposium also rejected the notion that Pharaonic Egyptian, which remained
a stable language for more than 4,500 years, was influenced by Semitic
language. The proceedings of the conference were published by UNESCO in 1978.

One of the most significant revelations presented at the Cairo Symposium was
Diop's development of the "Melanin Dosage Test." This one simple test provided
the means by which one could determine the PHENOTYPE of the Egyptian royal
mummies by examining the melanin content present in their skin.

The test involved the acquisition of specimens, consisting of a few square
millimeters of mummified skin, which were then coated with ethyl benzoate and
exposed to natural or ultra-violet light. This procedure rendered the melanin
ganules in the skin specimen fluorescent, thus enabling them to be counted by
Diop who stated that the experiements:

...show a melanin level which is nonexistent in the white-skinned races. Let us
simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by microscopic examination is a
laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians
unquestionably among the black races.

--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------

In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.

Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.

20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.

21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.

The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.

22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.

For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.

They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.

Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.

By Cheikh Anta Diop

Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder

King Merenptah

"As long as the world is dominated by White people, as long as those white
scientists - who now claim that there is no validity to the study of race -
continue to practice racism socially and academically and, most important, as
long as the Black race bears the badge of inferiority forced upon it by
scientists who have DISTORTED and suppressed Black history, we shall
prominently focus on it whenever and whereever the truth can be told until
sincere men of science return the Black race to its former position of respect
and reverence on the earth." - L. Clegg
Johan Gambelputty
2004-06-02 17:46:22 UTC
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best bad
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own misery!
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey. It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true. Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
King Merenptah
2004-06-03 02:14:34 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us! BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based. Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.

It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!

Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to people
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around! Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,

King MerenPTAH
Johan Gambelputty
2004-06-03 16:45:25 UTC
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us!
Look, racist shit head, you don't actually KNOW who started the race
card bit. You presume a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from

The race card today is almost never used by whites. It is used by the
"poor, oppressed" black man as an excuse as to why he did a murder,
rape, etc. which is usually done to a white person.
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based.
HTF do you know? Blacks mug white people, mostly because they hate
white people. If a white does something to a black, it's considered a
"hate crime". What a load of crap! Most crime is committed by blacks
and hispanics. That's why 90% of inmates are black and hispanic. And
it's not because they are oppressed, you Afro-superiority scumbag.
Post by King Merenptah
Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
They were products of liberal left wingers like yourself.
Post by King Merenptah
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
No, it's not. Sure, Europeans felt superior to savages, what do you
expect? Just like you feel superior because you think ancient
Egyptians were black. If anything, they were there and did then what
they do now: Destroy neighborhoods, cities, and countries.
Post by King Merenptah
Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to people
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around!
Utter bullshit. Don't tell me that savages ran around in business
attire and Europeans learned from them. I'm not talking about leopard
skin robes. I'm talking about real clothes, like pants and shirts that
you tuck in. Even that degenerated into backwards baseball caps and
overly baggy pants.
Post by King Merenptah
Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
No, Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages.
Then the savages came back and destroyed.
Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
King Merenptah
2004-06-04 02:40:33 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/3/04 9:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us!
Look, racist shit head, you don't actually KNOW who started the race
card bit. You presume a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from
The race card today is almost never used by whites. It is used by the
"poor, oppressed" black man as an excuse as to why he did a murder,
rape, etc. which is usually done to a white person.
Your agenda is simply to argue about race. You've got to be drunk or on drugs
to think whites do not use the race card, literally everyday! If you don't
know...you'll never know!

My original post on the [Melanin Dosage Test] which I reposted at the end of
this thread, is what we can talk about.
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based.
HTF do you know? Blacks mug white people, mostly because they hate
white people.
What an idiot. I guess we can then say that white people enslaved black people
because you hate us...so what's the problem? You're so dumb you cannot connect
the dots to figure out why people commit crimes against persons - regardless of
color. Then, when whites commit crimes against each other, it's not called
white-on-white crime, it's called WWI and WWII and names like that. Grow the
hell up!

If a white does something to a black, it's considered a
"hate crime". What a load of crap! Most crime is committed by blacks
and hispanics.
And here's the agenda. Let's blame all crimes on the blacks and hispanics.

That's why 90% of inmates are black and hispanic. And
it's not because they are oppressed, you Afro-superiority scumbag.
You're an insecure loser. The JUST-US system does have more black and hispanic
inmates, while criminals like Martha Stewart and others who are white - gets a
slap on the wrist for crimes they commit. We'll see how they treat Ms. Stewart.

White criminals usually get sentenced to "community service" instead of jail
time or "probation." You don't have to tell me how many blacks and hispanics
are in jail, I overstand the so-called justice system quite well.
Post by King Merenptah
Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
They were products of liberal left wingers like yourself.
Whatever [label] you wanna attach to them...they were white kids like yourself!
Post by King Merenptah
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Post by King Merenptah
Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
No, Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages.
Then the savages came back and destroyed.
Poor Native Americans...I can bet they don't think of Europeans as the "great
civilizers" in this country...but again, you have an agenda. Race-bait.

To say "Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages and
the savages came back and destroyed"...is a reflection of your mentality.
Stupid is, what stupid says!

King MerenPTAH

The general consensus reached at the Cairo Symposium was that there was no
evidence that the ancient Egyptians were white, and that Egypt was not
influenced by Mesopotamia, but the peoples from "the Great Lakes region in
inner-equatorial Africa."

For centuries, this area of equatorial Africa has been called "The Mountan of
the Moon" by the native inhabitants. As a matter of fact, in the language of
Ki-Swahili, 'Kilimanjaro' means "Mountain of the Moon," as does the Burgunda
word 'Rwenzori.' Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, rises to a
height of 19,340 feet. The second major contributor to the waters of the White
Nile is the Rwenzori Mountains, which border the countries of Uganda and Zaire.

The symposium also rejected the notion that Pharaonic Egyptian, which remained
a stable language for more than 4,500 years, was influenced by Semitic
language. The proceedings of the conference were published by UNESCO in 1978.

One of the most significant revelations presented at the Cairo Symposium was
Diop's development of the "Melanin Dosage Test." This one simple test provided
the means by which one could determine the PHENOTYPE of the Egyptian royal
mummies by examining the melanin content present in their skin.

The test involved the acquisition of specimens, consisting of a few square
millimeters of mummified skin, which were then coated with ethyl benzoate and
exposed to natural or ultra-violet light. This procedure rendered the melanin
ganules in the skin specimen fluorescent, thus enabling them to be counted by
Diop who stated that the experiements:

...show a melanin level which is nonexistent in the white-skinned races. Let us
simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by microscopic examination is a
laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians
unquestionably among the black races.

--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------

In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.

Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.

20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.

21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.

The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.

22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.

For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.

They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.

Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.

By Cheikh Anta Diop

Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder

King Merenptah

"As long as the world is dominated by White people, as long as those white
scientists - who now claim that there is no validity to the study of race -
continue to practice racism socially and academically and, most important, as
long as the Black race bears the badge of inferiority forced upon it by
scientists who have DISTORTED and suppressed Black history, we shall
prominently focus on it whenever and whereever the truth can be told until
sincere men of science return the Black race to its former position of respect
and reverence on the earth." - L. Clegg
Johan Gambelputty
2004-06-04 15:25:08 UTC
<snip for space>
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us!
Look, racist shit head, you don't actually KNOW who started the race
card bit. You presume a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from
The race card today is almost never used by whites. It is used by the
"poor, oppressed" black man as an excuse as to why he did a murder,
rape, etc. which is usually done to a white person.
Your agenda is simply to argue about race. You've got to be drunk or on drugs
to think whites do not use the race card, literally everyday! If you don't
know...you'll never know!
Oh, and blacks don't, right. YOU are on crack.
Post by King Merenptah
My original post on the [Melanin Dosage Test] which I reposted at the end of
this thread, is what we can talk about.
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based.
HTF do you know? Blacks mug white people, mostly because they hate
white people.
What an idiot. I guess we can then say that white people enslaved black people
because you hate us...so what's the problem? You're so dumb you cannot connect
the dots to figure out why people commit crimes against persons - regardless of
color. Then, when whites commit crimes against each other, it's not called
white-on-white crime, it's called WWI and WWII and names like that. Grow the
hell up!
Oh, I suppose you use the argument that the poor black youths choose
whites as targets because statistically they have the most money? No,
it's nothing but pure hatred. You don't want to admit that blacks are
capable of hating whites, and not for slavery, but because they just
hate whites because of the way they look or whatever. Bill Cosby said
a lot of things that are true and what did the blacks say? "That's
what happens when you get old". They, too, don't want to admit what is
true. And if I'm too dumb to connect the dots as to why people commit
crimes against persons, well, I think that's a good thing. And it
implies that you DO know, which figures. YOU grow up.
Post by King Merenptah
If a white does something to a black, it's considered a
Post by Johan Gambelputty
"hate crime". What a load of crap! Most crime is committed by blacks
and hispanics.
And here's the agenda. Let's blame all crimes on the blacks and hispanics.
Your way is to blame whites for these people's savagery. So, yeah,
let's blame it on who is responsible- blacks and hispanics.
Post by King Merenptah
That's why 90% of inmates are black and hispanic. And
Post by Johan Gambelputty
it's not because they are oppressed, you Afro-superiority scumbag.
You're an insecure loser. The JUST-US system does have more black and hispanic
inmates, while criminals like Martha Stewart and others who are white - gets a
slap on the wrist for crimes they commit. We'll see how they treat Ms. Stewart.
I'm sure it's a real picnic for her. Yeah, sure, because she's white,
she gets a slap on the wrist. OJ didn't even get a slap.
Post by King Merenptah
White criminals usually get sentenced to "community service" instead of jail
time or "probation." You don't have to tell me how many blacks and hispanics
are in jail, I overstand the so-called justice system quite well.
That's because in general they are not repeatedly in jail for violent
offenses, like blacks and hispanics. Overstand? Oh, you are the little
militant, aren't you. It's the justice system's fault. All those poor
devils are innocent and Whitey is responsible. Fuck off, Malcom.
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
They were products of liberal left wingers like yourself.
Whatever [label] you wanna attach to them...they were white kids like yourself!
Nope. They were murderers on antidepressants, the use of which for
children is pushed by the Liberal agenda. They were not like me.
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
No, Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages.
Then the savages came back and destroyed.
Poor Native Americans...I can bet they don't think of Europeans as the "great
civilizers" in this country...but again, you have an agenda. Race-bait.
Just like the Gauls, they lost. It's too bad. But if it makes you feel
good, Whitey will be a minority soon. Then we'll see if the nice
majority offers the same handouts. LOL.
Post by King Merenptah
To say "Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages and
the savages came back and destroyed"...is a reflection of your mentality.
Stupid is, what stupid says!
It's true that they came and destroyed. I've moved from two
neighborhoods that they came in and wrecked. I can't go to where I
grew up because the nice Negroes (who don't hate white people) will
shoot me. Every city in the U.S. is being destroyed the same way.
Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
Egotistical shit head.
The Took
2004-06-05 05:58:00 UTC
Then when the whites in the US become minority members of the community I
suppose the country will end up like the rest of the African Nations
Post by Johan Gambelputty
<snip for space>
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us!
Look, racist shit head, you don't actually KNOW who started the race
card bit. You presume a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from
The race card today is almost never used by whites. It is used by the
"poor, oppressed" black man as an excuse as to why he did a murder,
rape, etc. which is usually done to a white person.
Your agenda is simply to argue about race. You've got to be drunk or on drugs
to think whites do not use the race card, literally everyday! If you don't
know...you'll never know!
Oh, and blacks don't, right. YOU are on crack.
Post by King Merenptah
My original post on the [Melanin Dosage Test] which I reposted at the end of
this thread, is what we can talk about.
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based.
HTF do you know? Blacks mug white people, mostly because they hate
white people.
What an idiot. I guess we can then say that white people enslaved black people
because you hate us...so what's the problem? You're so dumb you cannot connect
the dots to figure out why people commit crimes against persons - regardless of
color. Then, when whites commit crimes against each other, it's not called
white-on-white crime, it's called WWI and WWII and names like that. Grow the
hell up!
Oh, I suppose you use the argument that the poor black youths choose
whites as targets because statistically they have the most money? No,
it's nothing but pure hatred. You don't want to admit that blacks are
capable of hating whites, and not for slavery, but because they just
hate whites because of the way they look or whatever. Bill Cosby said
a lot of things that are true and what did the blacks say? "That's
what happens when you get old". They, too, don't want to admit what is
true. And if I'm too dumb to connect the dots as to why people commit
crimes against persons, well, I think that's a good thing. And it
implies that you DO know, which figures. YOU grow up.
Post by King Merenptah
If a white does something to a black, it's considered a
Post by Johan Gambelputty
"hate crime". What a load of crap! Most crime is committed by blacks
and hispanics.
And here's the agenda. Let's blame all crimes on the blacks and hispanics.
Your way is to blame whites for these people's savagery. So, yeah,
let's blame it on who is responsible- blacks and hispanics.
Post by King Merenptah
That's why 90% of inmates are black and hispanic. And
Post by Johan Gambelputty
it's not because they are oppressed, you Afro-superiority scumbag.
You're an insecure loser. The JUST-US system does have more black and hispanic
inmates, while criminals like Martha Stewart and others who are white - gets a
slap on the wrist for crimes they commit. We'll see how they treat Ms. Stewart.
I'm sure it's a real picnic for her. Yeah, sure, because she's white,
she gets a slap on the wrist. OJ didn't even get a slap.
Post by King Merenptah
White criminals usually get sentenced to "community service" instead of jail
time or "probation." You don't have to tell me how many blacks and hispanics
are in jail, I overstand the so-called justice system quite well.
That's because in general they are not repeatedly in jail for violent
offenses, like blacks and hispanics. Overstand? Oh, you are the little
militant, aren't you. It's the justice system's fault. All those poor
devils are innocent and Whitey is responsible. Fuck off, Malcom.
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
They were products of liberal left wingers like yourself.
Whatever [label] you wanna attach to them...they were white kids like yourself!
Nope. They were murderers on antidepressants, the use of which for
children is pushed by the Liberal agenda. They were not like me.
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
No, Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages.
Then the savages came back and destroyed.
Poor Native Americans...I can bet they don't think of Europeans as the "great
civilizers" in this country...but again, you have an agenda. Race-bait.
Just like the Gauls, they lost. It's too bad. But if it makes you feel
good, Whitey will be a minority soon. Then we'll see if the nice
majority offers the same handouts. LOL.
Post by King Merenptah
To say "Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages and
the savages came back and destroyed"...is a reflection of your mentality.
Stupid is, what stupid says!
It's true that they came and destroyed. I've moved from two
neighborhoods that they came in and wrecked. I can't go to where I
grew up because the nice Negroes (who don't hate white people) will
shoot me. Every city in the U.S. is being destroyed the same way.
Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
Egotistical shit head.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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King Merenptah
2004-06-05 14:49:54 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/4/04 8:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time
<snip for space>
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. --->[[[Sure,
Post by King Merenptah
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us!]]]<----
Look, racist shit head, you don't actually KNOW who started the race
card bit. You presume a lot, but I guess that's to be expected from
The race card today is almost never used by whites. It is used by the
"poor, oppressed" black man as an excuse as to why he did a murder,
rape, etc. which is usually done to a white person.
Your agenda is simply to argue about race. You've got to be drunk or on
Post by King Merenptah
to think whites do not use the race card, literally everyday! If you don't
know...you'll never know!
Oh, and blacks don't, right. YOU are on crack.
My statement above shows where I said that African Americans use it too, so I'd
say YOU are on crack. Or are your comprehension skills missing.
Post by King Merenptah
My original post on the [Melanin Dosage Test] which I reposted at the end of
this thread, is what we can talk about.
Post by Johan Gambelputty
BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based.
HTF do you know? Blacks mug white people, mostly because they hate
white people.
What an idiot. I guess we can then say that white people enslaved black
Post by King Merenptah
because you hate us...so what's the problem? You're so dumb you cannot
Post by King Merenptah
the dots to figure out why people commit crimes against persons - regardless
Post by King Merenptah
color. Then, when whites commit crimes against each other, it's not called
white-on-white crime, it's called WWI and WWII and names like that. Grow the
hell up!
Oh, I suppose you use the argument that the poor black youths choose
whites as targets because statistically they have the most money?
You materialistic bastard, we don't care about your money. We want our own! And
where you get the idea we "choose whites" is sickening. We choose
whites...blah, blah, blah. You're dumb.

it's nothing but pure hatred. You don't want to admit that blacks are
capable of hating whites, and not for slavery,
And here you go KNOWING why blacks do what we do. Shut up!

Post by King Merenptah
If a white does something to a black, it's considered a
Post by Johan Gambelputty
"hate crime". What a load of crap! Most crime is committed by blacks
and hispanics.
And here's the agenda. Let's blame all crimes on the blacks and hispanics.
Your way is to blame whites for these people's savagery. So, yeah,
let's blame it on who is responsible- blacks and hispanics.
Blame whites for "these people's" savagery? What the hell are you talking
about? Do you even know? I doubt it! Stay off the prozac or whatever drug
you're on...crack or whatever. Leave the drinking alone too...people talk like
you who are usually drunk.
Post by King Merenptah
That's why 90% of inmates are black and hispanic. And
Post by Johan Gambelputty
it's not because they are oppressed, you Afro-superiority scumbag.
You're an insecure loser. The JUST-US system does have more black and
Post by King Merenptah
inmates, while criminals like Martha Stewart and others who are white - gets
Post by King Merenptah
slap on the wrist for crimes they commit. We'll see how they treat Ms.
I'm sure it's a real picnic for her. Yeah, sure, because she's white,
she gets a slap on the wrist. OJ didn't even get a slap.
Back to OJ. Is this what this is about? Is this your agenda? One (1) African
American? Aren't you the slightest bit pissed off at all the white corporate
CEO's who in fact has contributed to our economic downfall? You know all the
white corporate executives I'm talking about surely, are you pissed at them?
No, because their white? What about all the other white criminals who get off
for heinous crimes that I won't go into here...but what about them too? I'm not
just talking about one (1) person (OJ), you fool!
Post by King Merenptah
White criminals usually get sentenced to "community service" instead of jail
time or "probation." You don't have to tell me how many blacks and hispanics
are in jail, I overstand the so-called justice system quite well.
That's because in general they are not repeatedly in jail for violent
Not that you're aware of, that's for sure! And what blacks do you know are
"repeatedly" in jail for violent offenses? Know any? I don't...

Post by King Merenptah
To say "Europeans developed civilizations from areas occupied by savages and
the savages came back and destroyed"...is a reflection of your mentality.
Stupid is, what stupid says!
It's true that they came and destroyed. I've moved from two
neighborhoods that they came in and wrecked. I can't go to where I
grew up because the nice Negroes (who don't hate white people) will
shoot me. Every city in the U.S. is being destroyed the same way.
See how different we think. You're talking about your freakin' neighborhood,
while I'm talking about the WORLD. Africa today is what happened after
Europeans arrived and colonized the continent, stealing what they could,
pillaging and destroying everything that wasn't bolted down. Hell, if Europeans
could have stolen the PYRAMIDS, they would have taken those too...and claimed
Europeans built them. That's the kind of propaganda people like you thrive
on...lies and deception.

I'm talking about America when the Native Americans once thrived here, and what
happened to them AFTER Europeans arrived on these shores. The WORLD egghead,
not some neighborhood.

So while you're feeling insecure because of the neighborhoods you lived
in...you have displayed on this newsgroup that you're no different than the
people you tried escaping from. You THINK you are. But you're no different...in
fact you may be WORSE!

King MerenPTAH
Jon Erlandson
2004-06-05 02:46:12 UTC
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure, African
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us! BTW, criminals,
incarceration, and mugging are not color based. Remember those murderers at
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to people
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around! Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of reality!
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
What do you consider "civilization?" I believe the first structured
communities known in the world existed at 'Catal Huyuk' in Neolithic
Anatolia. It is even believed by some it was the descendants of these
people who migrated into the Saharan region of Africa around between
9,000-6,000BC and went on to inhabit the Nile Valley and develop the Ancient
Egyptian civilization.

Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
King Merenptah
2004-06-05 15:02:57 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/4/04 7:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure,
Post by King Merenptah
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us! BTW,
Post by King Merenptah
incarceration, and mugging are not color based. Remember those murderers
Post by King Merenptah
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to
Post by King Merenptah
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around! Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of
Post by King Merenptah
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
What do you consider "civilization?" I believe the first structured
communities known in the world existed at 'Catal Huyuk' in Neolithic
Anatolia. It is even believed by some it was the descendants of these
people who migrated into the Saharan region of Africa around between
9,000-6,000BC and went on to inhabit the Nile Valley and develop the Ancient
Egyptian civilization.
I'll let the Eurocentric scholars on this newsgroup answer this nonsense. [It
is nonsense.] If what you say above means the "Catal Huyuk" were Africans out
of Africa who migrated to the Saharan region of Africa, we can talk. Otherwise,
you're just picking straws...

King MerenPTAH
Jon Erlandson
2004-06-06 06:39:14 UTC
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/4/04 7:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure,
Post by King Merenptah
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us! BTW,
Post by King Merenptah
incarceration, and mugging are not color based. Remember those murderers
Post by King Merenptah
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to
Post by King Merenptah
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around! Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of
Post by King Merenptah
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
What do you consider "civilization?" I believe the first structured
communities known in the world existed at 'Catal Huyuk' in Neolithic
Anatolia. It is even believed by some it was the descendants of these
people who migrated into the Saharan region of Africa around between
9,000-6,000BC and went on to inhabit the Nile Valley and develop the Ancient
Egyptian civilization.
I'll let the Eurocentric scholars on this newsgroup answer this nonsense. [It
is nonsense.] If what you say above means the "Catal Huyuk" were Africans out
of Africa who migrated to the Saharan region of Africa, we can talk. Otherwise,
you're just picking straws...
No, they were people who later also migrated into Europe.
Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
2004-06-08 02:03:23 UTC
Okay, Saharans are some kind of Africans and there are cave drawing from the
people when the Sahara was more livable..
Post by Tom Shaw
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/2/04 10:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are
Post by Tom Shaw
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are,
Post by Tom Shaw
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply
Post by Tom Shaw
Post by King Merenptah
Post by King Merenptah
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own
Post by King Merenptah
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey.
Look little racist bastard, the 'race card' is European-owned. Sure,
Post by King Merenptah
Americans use it too, but you didn't have to teach it to us! BTW,
Post by King Merenptah
incarceration, and mugging are not color based. Remember those murderers
Post by King Merenptah
Columbine in Colorado who massacred all those other kids - they were white
gun-totting killers.
It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true.
SO very TRUE!
Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
Ever heard of the statement: "there's nothing new under the sun?" In other
words, cloths, cities and civilization was passed down FROM Africans to
Post by King Merenptah
JUST LIKE YOU, not the other way around! Just because your ancestors were
possibly slave owners, don't get beside yourself and lose sight of
Post by King Merenptah
Africans developed civilization, and Europeans inherited it! Get it right,
What do you consider "civilization?" I believe the first structured
communities known in the world existed at 'Catal Huyuk' in Neolithic
Anatolia. It is even believed by some it was the descendants of these
people who migrated into the Saharan region of Africa around between
9,000-6,000BC and went on to inhabit the Nile Valley and develop the Ancient
Egyptian civilization.
Post by King Merenptah
King MerenPTAH
2004-06-08 02:00:25 UTC
Look just attack him on facts, anyway, everyone knows that Asians make
everything, so we inherit from them. And those blacks did the work whites
would not do during the early growth years of the U.S., so be nice, them
darkies and yellows are people too.
Post by Johan Gambelputty
Post by King Merenptah
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 4/29/2004 3:14 PM Pacific Standard Time
King Merenptah is a jive turkey like the rest of his ilk, Jesse Jackson,
Elijah Mohammed, Al Sharpton, Father Divine, etc. etc. They are making a
good living playing the race card in one way or another. They are, in some
respects, entertainers akin to topless dancers.
At the risk of offending Ms. Luban even further these people are at best bad
jokes and at worst demeaning to a good reputation of blacks as being
intelligent instead of street-smart.
Other than your off-hand remarks, anything else? You are simply wasting air
with your existence. Do us all a favor and put yourself out of your own misery!
BTW, Europeans INVENTED the 'race card' so stick it in your...
King MerenPTAH
Well, King-of-Slums, the 'race card' is something that blacks are very
good at using, whether it is defending a criminal, incarceration, or
just mugging Whitey. It may be that your_ racist_ remark about
Europeans inventing the race card is true. Then the blacks inherited
it from the Europeans, as well as little things like clothes, cities,
and civilization in general.
King Merenptah
2004-06-08 03:14:39 UTC
Subject: Re: Melanin Dosage Test - Phenotype of Royal Egyptian Mummies
Date: 6/7/04 7:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Look just attack him on facts, anyway, everyone knows that Asians make
everything, so we inherit from them.
Whatever happened to "just attack him on facts?" Anyway...

Your name must be "everyone" because most intelligent humans know that Asians
don't make everything. Everything is everything, numbskull. I guess we can
infer from your statement that you're insane in the membrane, or retarded.

And those blacks did the work whites
would not do during the early growth years of the U.S., so be nice, them
darkies and yellows are people too.
Take those sheets off your head and recognize without the darkies, you wouldn't
be enjoying the fruits of their labor, today!

King MerenPTAH
2004-06-08 01:50:11 UTC
Open letter to the Ethnologists:
To whom it may be concerned,.

I think the UNESCO conference with Diop was inconclusive, they were
arguing most of the time over the findings of Diop on procedural grounds.
Anyway the ancient Egyptians were much like the Touareg(not just Iklan) and
Beja of today, heavily mixed with varying external grouping with quite a
preponderance of negro phenotypical appearances. For all of you who think
Touaregs look like Mountain Berbers, not all Berbers look alike, and you
will be hard pressed to find a blue-eyed Touareg, and if you do, that is
with intermarriage with a Kabyle in Algeria. Touaregs do not have a Yoruba
phenotype, but are definitely not white, i.e. British, French, or even
Spaniard. In your precious States or G.B. they would be called black or
mulatto, and a very very very small minority would be on the order of the
lovely Puerto Rican J-Lo mestizo/zambo mixtures that took centuries to make.
A wonderful experiment that J-Lo is by the Spaniards, they got that ratio of
blacks/Carrib Natives/ and white right, although I find the skull in the
area of the dental cavity too small for the teeth which typically happens in
these cases of mongrels. A subject I love now; Latin please, the so called
Latinos calling themselves of Latin origin is like blacks Americans calling
themselves of British origin, America is screwed, the slaves think they are
the masters. Anyway there are few true negro persons, and from the origin
of the word, that would be black skinned people. Except for those in Sri
Lanka and parts of Senegal or Gambia. Africans range from a yellowish or
reddish brown to almost black, the great majority residing in the yellowish
and reddish brown region, hemoglobin addition tint to there melanin.
Anyway, the ancient Egyptians in my non-scientific estimation, I am an
engineer so bear with me here this is a hobby for me like the original
anthropologists, I make my money by true science; are of 70%-90% Sub-Saharan
African Geographical racial origin(Black African) and 10%-30% Anatolian and
Central Asian origin. By the way Indians/Dravidians or whatever you call
them, are of the same stock as Aboriginal Australians, so there dark skin is
on a different evolutionary origin, except to the amount the African slave
trade may have limitedly affected that sub-continent. Anyway, the Egyptians
turned out to be weaklings in the end, who should have built walls instead
of temples to save there sorryful posteriors from the Persians. This
demonstrates there Africaness in itself, stupidity for displaying wealth
with no power, and rule for eternity by a foreigner. Hell they might as
well be Native Americas, Aboriginal Australian, Palestinian for bending over
and taking it in the wrong place.
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------
In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and hence the
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in the
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied the
question has overlooked the possibility.
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is,
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins
of fossil animals.
20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies,
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.
21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a melanin
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.
The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the Marietta
excavations in Egypt.
22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in an excel
state of preservation.
For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo Museum
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres of skin
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.
They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.
Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.
By Cheikh Anta Diop
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder
Brace, C. L., Tracer, D. B., Yaroch, L. A., Robb, J., Brandt, K. and
Nelson, A. R. Clines and Clusters Versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt
and the Case of a Death on the Nile. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology
36 (1993): 1-31.
Leahy, A. Ethnic Diversity in Ancient Egypt. In _Civilizations of the
Ancient Near East 1_, ed. Jack M. Sasson, 225-34. New York: Scribner,
1995 onward.
Ortiz de Montellano, B. 1992, Magic Melanin. Skeptical Inquirer 16,
Ortiz de Montellano, B. R. Melanin, Afrocentricity and Pseudoscience.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 33-58.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks' and the Afrocentrists. In _Black
Athena Revisited_, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical
Evidence. Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall,
1989): 97-109.
Vercoutter, J. The Iconography of the Black in Ancient Egypt from the
Beginnings to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. In _The Image of the Black in
Western Art. Volume 1, From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman
Empire_, ed. J. Vercoutter, J. Leclant, F. M. Snowden and J. Desanges,
32-88, 291-92. New York: William Morrow, 1976.
__________.. The Peopling of Ancient Egypt. In _The Peopling of Ancient
Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the
Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974_, by the
Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of
Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978. (This
is the same conference as attended by Diop, above).
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, ASOR, EES, SSEA
Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Jon Erlandson
2004-06-08 06:25:40 UTC
Post by news-west.giganews.com
To whom it may be concerned,.
I think the UNESCO conference with Diop was inconclusive, they were
arguing most of the time over the findings of Diop on procedural grounds.
Anyway the ancient Egyptians were much like the Touareg(not just Iklan) and
Beja of today, heavily mixed with varying external grouping with quite a
preponderance of negro phenotypical appearances. For all of you who think
Touaregs look like Mountain Berbers, not all Berbers look alike, and you
will be hard pressed to find a blue-eyed Touareg, and if you do, that is
with intermarriage with a Kabyle in Algeria. Touaregs do not have a Yoruba
phenotype, but are definitely not white, i.e. British, French, or even
Spaniard. In your precious States or G.B. they would be called black or
mulatto, and a very very very small minority would be on the order of the
lovely Puerto Rican J-Lo mestizo/zambo mixtures that took centuries to make.
A wonderful experiment that J-Lo is by the Spaniards, they got that ratio of
blacks/Carrib Natives/ and white right, although I find the skull in the
area of the dental cavity too small for the teeth which typically happens in
these cases of mongrels. A subject I love now; Latin please, the so called
Latinos calling themselves of Latin origin is like blacks Americans calling
themselves of British origin, America is screwed, the slaves think they are
the masters. Anyway there are few true negro persons, and from the origin
of the word, that would be black skinned people. Except for those in Sri
Lanka and parts of Senegal or Gambia. Africans range from a yellowish or
reddish brown to almost black, the great majority residing in the yellowish
and reddish brown region, hemoglobin addition tint to there melanin.
Anyway, the ancient Egyptians in my non-scientific estimation, I am an
engineer so bear with me here this is a hobby for me like the original
anthropologists, I make my money by true science; are of 70%-90% Sub-Saharan
African Geographical racial origin(Black African) and 10%-30% Anatolian and
Central Asian origin. By the way Indians/Dravidians or whatever you call
them, are of the same stock as Aboriginal Australians, so there dark skin is
on a different evolutionary origin, except to the amount the African slave
trade may have limitedly affected that sub-continent. Anyway, the Egyptians
turned out to be weaklings in the end, who should have built walls instead
of temples to save there sorryful posteriors from the Persians. This
demonstrates there Africaness in itself, stupidity for displaying wealth
with no power, and rule for eternity by a foreigner. Hell they might as
well be Native Americas, Aboriginal Australian, Palestinian for bending over
and taking it in the wrong place.
You got a few things discomboobulated here don't ya...
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
--------MELANIN DOSAGE TEST---------
In practice it is possible to determine directly the skin color and
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
ethnic affiliations of the ancient Egyptians by microscopic analysis in
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
laboratory; I doubt if the sagacity of the researchers who have studied
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
question has overlooked the possibility.
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
of fossil animals.
20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show a
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
level which is non-existent in the white-skinned races.
The samples I myself analyzed were taken in the physical anthropology
laboratory of the Mus'ee de l'Homme in Paris off the mummies from the
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
excavations in Egypt.
22 The same method is perfectly suitable for use on the royal mummies of
Thutmoses III, Seti I and Ramses II in the Cairo Museum, which are in
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
state of preservation.
For two years past I have been vainly begging the curator of the Cairo
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
for similar samples to analyze. No more than a few square millimetres
Post by news-west.giganews.com
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
would be required to mount a specimen, the preparations being a few um in
thickness and lightened with ethyl benzoate.
They can be studied by natural light or with ultra-violet lighting which
renders the melanin grains fluorescent.
Either way let us simply say that the evaluation of melanin level by
microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to
classify the
Post by Katherine Griffis-Greenberg
Post by King Merenptah
ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races.
By Cheikh Anta Diop
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder
Brace, C. L., Tracer, D. B., Yaroch, L. A., Robb, J., Brandt, K. and
Nelson, A. R. Clines and Clusters Versus 'Race': A Test in Ancient Egypt
and the Case of a Death on the Nile. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology
36 (1993): 1-31.
Leahy, A. Ethnic Diversity in Ancient Egypt. In _Civilizations of the
Ancient Near East 1_, ed. Jack M. Sasson, 225-34. New York: Scribner,
1995 onward.
Ortiz de Montellano, B. 1992, Magic Melanin. Skeptical Inquirer 16,
Ortiz de Montellano, B. R. Melanin, Afrocentricity and Pseudoscience.
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 36 (1993): 33-58.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks' and the Afrocentrists. In _Black
Athena Revisited_, ed. M. Lefkowitz and G. M. Rogers, 112-28. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
Snowden, Jr., F. M. Bernal's 'Blacks,' Herodotus and Other Classical
Evidence. Arethusa, Special Issue: The Challenge of Black Athena (Fall,
1989): 97-109.
Vercoutter, J. The Iconography of the Black in Ancient Egypt from the
Beginnings to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. In _The Image of the Black in
Western Art. Volume 1, From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman
Empire_, ed. J. Vercoutter, J. Leclant, F. M. Snowden and J. Desanges,
32-88, 291-92. New York: William Morrow, 1976.
__________.. The Peopling of Ancient Egypt. In _The Peopling of Ancient
Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script: Proceedings of the
Symposium Held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974_, by the
Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of
Meroitic Script. General History of Africa 1. Paris: UNESCO, 1978. (This
is the same conference as attended by Diop, above).
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, ASOR, EES, SSEA
Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom