Solution to Potassium dating Genesis becomes puzzle
(too old to reply)
2009-08-01 13:58:24 UTC
The mantle is 1800 miles thick.
Asteroid impact on 2370 BC Julian Nov 20
started a meltdown of the mantle under the crust
to a depth of 2 miles in 7 days so that the continents
dropped for 5 months under water.
The pressure of 2 miles of water on top of 12-20 miles of
land mass crust with 2 miles of molten mantle magma
under it, flowing out to under the sea crust is a result
of alot of heat. This is not the only impact or global flood,
but it is the only one which occurred during man's existence.
And is one reason angels on Earth denied it would or could
happen. They also knew that Noah was only preaching the rain
would drown everyone, and although 40 feet of global rain
can do that, the mountains would be wet and drenched and
torrent as water flowed down them killing many, yet survival
could be possible without ark had the continents not fallen
2 miles down into the ocean. Simply put the angels felt God
was with them not Noah as they also felt with them not Enoch
when they dematerialized him with the power of God in their

SO - -
simple point is it happened despite angels themselves said it
What Moses said happened despite what scholars of Egypt told
Pharaoh that it wouldnt.

Now people are pretty confused about the potassium-argon process.
You seem to think year zero is 4.5 billion years ago. However,
if a volcano erupts 90 years ago, then that magma cooled down with
its clock at zero; all the argon gas released out and and the
potassium 40 that no changes to argon will reveal its date as 90
So year zero is not when Earth first became liquid to solid, or some
creation point of potassium.
Year zero is not some ancient year, it is when ever liquid rock
solid even
if recent. Then the argon begins to build in it as potassium changes
to argon.

So now if potassium 40 which has changed to argon 40 gas is trapped
for billions of years in volcanic rock, and this rock is then heated
this re-eruption of all Earth's faults in Noahs flood asteroid
so that of 12,500 parts of argon that 12,499 is released leavng only
part left. Will this not reduce the age of that rock so that it looks
younger to us than it is, Hmmm wait. That means if we have a rock
we date as 200 million years old with that much accumulated argon in
it, that because it had lost mass argon in the Flood heat that it
would actually be 12,500 times older than the 200 million. That aint
gonna work is it. So we dont need argon loss from heat by Flood
impact, we need rapid change from potassium to argon in a short
of time. But calculations claim that the pressure to even increase
this process a small amount needs to be greater than the center of
Earth. Okay someone who cares, please help out. How do we get 12,500
times more argon retained within potassium so that it looks 12,500
times older than it is.
2009-08-01 14:05:14 UTC
The mantle is 1800 miles thick.
Asteroid impact on 2370 BC Julian Nov 20
started a meltdown of the mantle under the crust
to a depth of 2 miles in 7 days so that the continents
dropped for 5 months under water.
The pressure of 2 miles of water on top of 12-20 miles of
land mass crust with 2 miles of molten mantle magma
under it, flowing out to under the sea crust is a result
of alot of heat. This is not the only impact or global flood,
but it is the only one which occurred during man's existence.
And is one reason angels on Earth denied it would or could
happen. They also knew that Noah was only preaching the rain
would drown everyone, and although 40 feet of global rain
can do that, the mountains would be wet and drenched and
torrent as water flowed down them killing many, yet survival
could be possible without ark had the continents not fallen
2 miles down into the ocean. Simply put the angels felt God
was with them not Noah as they also felt with them not Enoch
when they dematerialized him with the power of God in their

SO - -
simple point is it happened despite angels themselves said it
What Moses said happened despite what scholars of Egypt told
Pharaoh that it wouldnt.

Now people are pretty confused about the potassium-argon process.
You seem to think year zero is 4.5 billion years ago. However,
if a volcano erupts 90 years ago, then that magma cooled down with
its clock at zero; all the argon gas released out and the
potassium 40 that now changes to argon will reveal its date as 90
So year zero is not when Earth first became liquid to solid, or some
creation point of potassium.
Year zero is not some ancient year, it is when ever liquid rock
solid even
if recent. Then the argon begins to build in it as potassium changes
to argon.

So now if potassium 40 which has changed to argon 40 gas is trapped
for billions of years in volcanic rock, and this rock is then heated
this re-eruption of all Earth's faults in Noahs flood asteroid
so that of 12,500 parts of argon that 12,499 is released leavng only
part left. Will this not reduce the age of that rock so that it looks
younger to us than it is, Hmmm wait. That means if we have a rock
we date as 200 million years old with that much accumulated argon in
it, that because it had lost mass argon in the Flood heat that it
would actually be 12,500 times older than the 200 million. That aint
gonna work is it. So we dont need argon loss from heat by Flood
impact, we need rapid change from potassium to argon in a short
of time. But calculations claim that the pressure to even increase
this process a small amount needs to be greater than the center of
Earth. Okay someone who cares, please help out. How do we get 12,500
times more argon retained within potassium so that it looks 12,500
times older than it is.
2009-08-01 18:29:46 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
The mantle is 1800 miles thick.
Asteroid impact on
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By all means, run, do not walk....

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