Lars Wilson
2008-02-05 19:28:06 UTC
Jehovah's witnesses don't follow Edwin Thiele who introduces about 47 years
of co-rulerships during the Divided Kingdom Period as presented in the
Bible. Therefore, their dates going back to the Exodus is 67 years earlier
than the conventional dating. Conventional dating dates the Exodus to 1446
BCE and Jehovah's witnesses to 1513 BCE. This is just an example of the
complications of trying to get an ABSOLUTE date for the Exodus.
But now we actually can establish and absolute date for the Exodus based
upon the "70th week" chronology where the Jews were to fulfill the 70th
jubilee of 49 years upon their final restoration to their homeland, after
being placed in exile for not following the rules of YHWH. Now it doesn't
matter at all whether or not one believes the Bible is true or is true
history, the link with the 70th jubilee is linked to the the Exodus and thus
1947 established a Biblical absolute date for the Exodus in 1386 BCE.
HOW TO CALCULATE: In other words, you have a "week" of seven days, each 490
years long. Each 490 years though is 10 jubilees of 49 years each. So
seven days means you have 70 jubilees. 49 years is also a "week" of 7-year
days. The entire week is 3430 years (49 x 70). Therefore, if 1947
fulfills the beginning of the 70th week, then the week would end 49 years
later in 1996. Why? Because 49 plus 1947 is 1996. If 1996 ends the 3430
years, then this period would begin in 1435 BCE. The Exodus, which follows
the theme of freedom from bondage, celebrates the first jubilee of this
week. The jubilee is the 50th week following the previous 49 years.
Therefore the Exodus can be absolute-dated by this method by calculating 49
years after 1435 BCE, which gives us 1386 BCE.
ADVANTAGES: The advantage of using interval absolute dating is that you
don't have to figure out all the complicated chronology of the divided
kingdom period, nor deal with contradictions between the Bible and NB and
Persian records, which we find. We have an absolute modern date that
allows us to retrodate back to an absolute critical ancient date, which is
the Exodus. From this date we can then determine the precise rule for David
and Solomon and also Shishak.
is the Bible's own absolute date for the Exodus, it is of passing interest
(okay, KEEN interest!) to see how that compares "scientifically", that is,
where the scientists/archaeologists are dating the Exodus, the fall of
Jericho, the buildings by Solomon and the date for Shishak's invasion.
Let's take these one at a time.
1. Exodus. Archaeologists have nothing per se to absolutely date the
Exodus by. So there is no real comparison here.
2. Fall of Jericho. The fall of Jericho by the Israelites is dated by the
archaeologist who dug up Jericho, Kathleen Kenyon who states the following:
Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up Jericho, Jericho and the Coming of the
Israelites, page 262:
"As concerns the date of the destruction of Jericho by the Israelites, all
that can be said is that the latest Bronze Age occupation should, in my
view, be dated to the third quarter of the fourteenth century B.C. This is a
date which suits neither the school of scholars which would date the entry
of the Israelites into Palestine to c. 1400 B.C. nor the school which
prefers a date of c. 1260 B.C."
Page 261 of her book, "Digging Up Jericho," in the Chapter called "Jericho
And Coming Of The Israelites," she says:
"It is a sad fact that of the town walls of the Late Bronze Age, within
which period the attack by the Israelites must fall by any dating, not a
trace remains."
The Exodus dated to 1386 BCE means the fall of Jericho falls 40 years later
in 1346 BCE. This falls within the dating established by Kenyon for this
event (i.e. 1350-1325 BCE). So archaeology is in agreement as far as when
Jericho fell by the Israelites with the Bible's absolute date for this event
in 1386 BCE.
3. Rule of David and Solomon. Per Israel Finkelstein what is described in
the Bible that is normally ascribed to David is said to occur in the mid
10th century and the buildings by Solomon are said to occur in the early 9th
century. His quote is as follows:
Page 142 of "The Bible Unearthed": "The finds dated to the time just before
David in the late eleventh century belonged in the mid-tenth century and
those dated to the time of Solomon belonged to the early ninth century BCE.
The new dates place the appearance of monumental structures, fortifications,
and other signs of full statehood precisely at the time of their first
appearance in the rest of the Levant."
Based upon the Exodus occurring in 1386 BCE, the 4th of Solomon falls in 906
BCE 480 years later. That means Solomon's rule is dated from 910-870 BCE,
and David's rule from 950-910 BCE. These fit the above archaeological
references by Israel Finkelstein. That is a mid-10th century David and an
early 9th century Solomon. So again, the available archaeology agrees with
the absolute dating of the Exodus in 1386 BCE.
4. Dating Shishak's invasion via RC14. We really got lucky on this one.
Science as improved upon RC14 dating accuracy and precision. Whereas there
used to be a wide range of dating when tested, it can now be narrowed down
to a single year of highest "relative probability" which happens to be the
mid-range date for a given sample. Further, archaeologists have improved
upon this by paying attention to short-lived grain samples, especially those
destroyed at the time a city was destroyed. This combination can thus
rather precisely date the year a city was destroyed. If that destruction
can in turn be linked to a historical event in a given timeline, then you
have an amazing comparison between science and history. This is precisely
what happened at Rehov. A sample of cereals found destroyed at City IV
Rehov was recovered. This level is the same level as Megiddo VA-IVB which
is associated with the "Solomonic level" and thus the destruction by
Shishak. Therefore, theoretically, we have a chance to add some scientific
input as to exactly when this city fell.
Now the new advancement in RC14 involves multiple testing and using the
"weighted average" of the results to determine a date with a higher
probability to the "true date." Generally, it was discovered that the
results rather randomly piled up in the middle of the range. Thus as you
can see from the chart below, the middle range date for the 95.4% testing of
918-823 BCE which gives us 871 BCE (870.5) is also where we find the highest
"relative probability" results which plateau's for dates from 874-867 BCE.
Therefore, the best scientific reference for dating Shishak's invasion can
be compared to 871 BCE. What does that compare with the absolute Biblical
date for the Exodus in 1386 BCE? It is a perfect match! We learn from 2
Chronicles 12:1,6 that Rehoboam was still ruling over all 12 tribes and thus
his 5th year was a co-rulership with Solomon. With Solomon's reign from
910-870 BCE, the 871 BCE RC14 dating would date Shishak's invasion in year
39 of Solomon, which is perfectly consistent with the absolute Biblical
timeline. So again, science and archaeology prove the Bible's absolute
dating is right on the button!
Obviously, per the best scientific results available, it is in error by 54
years, implying the timeline is spurious and erroneous. Of course,
Jehovah's witnesses' dating that event to 993 BCE would also be inconsistent
with the scientific dating we have available, being more than 120 years too
early. This suggests their leaders should rethink their timeline for this
period as well as for the Exodus. In fact, all other chronologies that
don't take advantage of ajdusting by retrodating from 1947 are missing an
opportunity for accurate historical Biblical comparison with archaeology and
RC14 dating available.
You're most welcome (in advance). I'm here to help clean up the historical
mess out here.
Lars Wilson
of co-rulerships during the Divided Kingdom Period as presented in the
Bible. Therefore, their dates going back to the Exodus is 67 years earlier
than the conventional dating. Conventional dating dates the Exodus to 1446
BCE and Jehovah's witnesses to 1513 BCE. This is just an example of the
complications of trying to get an ABSOLUTE date for the Exodus.
But now we actually can establish and absolute date for the Exodus based
upon the "70th week" chronology where the Jews were to fulfill the 70th
jubilee of 49 years upon their final restoration to their homeland, after
being placed in exile for not following the rules of YHWH. Now it doesn't
matter at all whether or not one believes the Bible is true or is true
history, the link with the 70th jubilee is linked to the the Exodus and thus
1947 established a Biblical absolute date for the Exodus in 1386 BCE.
HOW TO CALCULATE: In other words, you have a "week" of seven days, each 490
years long. Each 490 years though is 10 jubilees of 49 years each. So
seven days means you have 70 jubilees. 49 years is also a "week" of 7-year
days. The entire week is 3430 years (49 x 70). Therefore, if 1947
fulfills the beginning of the 70th week, then the week would end 49 years
later in 1996. Why? Because 49 plus 1947 is 1996. If 1996 ends the 3430
years, then this period would begin in 1435 BCE. The Exodus, which follows
the theme of freedom from bondage, celebrates the first jubilee of this
week. The jubilee is the 50th week following the previous 49 years.
Therefore the Exodus can be absolute-dated by this method by calculating 49
years after 1435 BCE, which gives us 1386 BCE.
ADVANTAGES: The advantage of using interval absolute dating is that you
don't have to figure out all the complicated chronology of the divided
kingdom period, nor deal with contradictions between the Bible and NB and
Persian records, which we find. We have an absolute modern date that
allows us to retrodate back to an absolute critical ancient date, which is
the Exodus. From this date we can then determine the precise rule for David
and Solomon and also Shishak.
is the Bible's own absolute date for the Exodus, it is of passing interest
(okay, KEEN interest!) to see how that compares "scientifically", that is,
where the scientists/archaeologists are dating the Exodus, the fall of
Jericho, the buildings by Solomon and the date for Shishak's invasion.
Let's take these one at a time.
1. Exodus. Archaeologists have nothing per se to absolutely date the
Exodus by. So there is no real comparison here.
2. Fall of Jericho. The fall of Jericho by the Israelites is dated by the
archaeologist who dug up Jericho, Kathleen Kenyon who states the following:
Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up Jericho, Jericho and the Coming of the
Israelites, page 262:
"As concerns the date of the destruction of Jericho by the Israelites, all
that can be said is that the latest Bronze Age occupation should, in my
view, be dated to the third quarter of the fourteenth century B.C. This is a
date which suits neither the school of scholars which would date the entry
of the Israelites into Palestine to c. 1400 B.C. nor the school which
prefers a date of c. 1260 B.C."
Page 261 of her book, "Digging Up Jericho," in the Chapter called "Jericho
And Coming Of The Israelites," she says:
"It is a sad fact that of the town walls of the Late Bronze Age, within
which period the attack by the Israelites must fall by any dating, not a
trace remains."
The Exodus dated to 1386 BCE means the fall of Jericho falls 40 years later
in 1346 BCE. This falls within the dating established by Kenyon for this
event (i.e. 1350-1325 BCE). So archaeology is in agreement as far as when
Jericho fell by the Israelites with the Bible's absolute date for this event
in 1386 BCE.
3. Rule of David and Solomon. Per Israel Finkelstein what is described in
the Bible that is normally ascribed to David is said to occur in the mid
10th century and the buildings by Solomon are said to occur in the early 9th
century. His quote is as follows:
Page 142 of "The Bible Unearthed": "The finds dated to the time just before
David in the late eleventh century belonged in the mid-tenth century and
those dated to the time of Solomon belonged to the early ninth century BCE.
The new dates place the appearance of monumental structures, fortifications,
and other signs of full statehood precisely at the time of their first
appearance in the rest of the Levant."
Based upon the Exodus occurring in 1386 BCE, the 4th of Solomon falls in 906
BCE 480 years later. That means Solomon's rule is dated from 910-870 BCE,
and David's rule from 950-910 BCE. These fit the above archaeological
references by Israel Finkelstein. That is a mid-10th century David and an
early 9th century Solomon. So again, the available archaeology agrees with
the absolute dating of the Exodus in 1386 BCE.
4. Dating Shishak's invasion via RC14. We really got lucky on this one.
Science as improved upon RC14 dating accuracy and precision. Whereas there
used to be a wide range of dating when tested, it can now be narrowed down
to a single year of highest "relative probability" which happens to be the
mid-range date for a given sample. Further, archaeologists have improved
upon this by paying attention to short-lived grain samples, especially those
destroyed at the time a city was destroyed. This combination can thus
rather precisely date the year a city was destroyed. If that destruction
can in turn be linked to a historical event in a given timeline, then you
have an amazing comparison between science and history. This is precisely
what happened at Rehov. A sample of cereals found destroyed at City IV
Rehov was recovered. This level is the same level as Megiddo VA-IVB which
is associated with the "Solomonic level" and thus the destruction by
Shishak. Therefore, theoretically, we have a chance to add some scientific
input as to exactly when this city fell.
Now the new advancement in RC14 involves multiple testing and using the
"weighted average" of the results to determine a date with a higher
probability to the "true date." Generally, it was discovered that the
results rather randomly piled up in the middle of the range. Thus as you
can see from the chart below, the middle range date for the 95.4% testing of
918-823 BCE which gives us 871 BCE (870.5) is also where we find the highest
"relative probability" results which plateau's for dates from 874-867 BCE.
Therefore, the best scientific reference for dating Shishak's invasion can
be compared to 871 BCE. What does that compare with the absolute Biblical
date for the Exodus in 1386 BCE? It is a perfect match! We learn from 2
Chronicles 12:1,6 that Rehoboam was still ruling over all 12 tribes and thus
his 5th year was a co-rulership with Solomon. With Solomon's reign from
910-870 BCE, the 871 BCE RC14 dating would date Shishak's invasion in year
39 of Solomon, which is perfectly consistent with the absolute Biblical
timeline. So again, science and archaeology prove the Bible's absolute
dating is right on the button!
Obviously, per the best scientific results available, it is in error by 54
years, implying the timeline is spurious and erroneous. Of course,
Jehovah's witnesses' dating that event to 993 BCE would also be inconsistent
with the scientific dating we have available, being more than 120 years too
early. This suggests their leaders should rethink their timeline for this
period as well as for the Exodus. In fact, all other chronologies that
don't take advantage of ajdusting by retrodating from 1947 are missing an
opportunity for accurate historical Biblical comparison with archaeology and
RC14 dating available.
You're most welcome (in advance). I'm here to help clean up the historical
mess out here.
Lars Wilson