The First King (preFlood)
Contrary to claims, the first king was not Adam. The claim that King
Mene was first king of Egypt is not true. Nor the claim that Mene is
Adam. The world's first king was before the Flood. His name was
Alulim. He descended from heaven in 3636 BC with many others in the
year 390 of Adam, who was created in 4025 BC. And, they devised the
first calendar on the 40th decade, 1266 years before the Flood. This
calendar lasted more than 126 sars. All of them were kings because
king means to be a king of life longevity; and those from heaven have
lived millions of years; they are the elders. But it is not for them
to rule merely for being here first. Should Adam rule Eve. What of
Isaac ruling Rebekkah when blessing Jacob! The calendar was king; it
ruled, it was the Sar. A sar is 10 years, it is 3600 days. Alulim
became king 97 sars (970 years) before the Flood. His becoming king
meant the king of kings telling all the others what to do. There were
ten of them and the world ended, just as there are ten on the beast
that John writes about in Revelation when the end comes. And so each
one was for their time the king of kings. Alulim ruled in 3340 BC when
Methuselah was born in 3339 BC. A third king took over the world with
a rulership in Larsa in 3040 BC, just 67 sars (670 years) before the
Flood (so Larsa's list has only 8 kings). Enoch spoke against these
kings. So when Alulim struck Enoch in 3039 BC, his body dematerialized
into energy for all onlookers. Merely because this king from heaven
could "translate" Enoch as if to use the power of God to punish Enoch
didn't prove who was the one with God, and who was enemy of God. My
God, my God, why have you foresaken Enoch. It is for the same reason
he foresake Jesus so that we see who the enemy is. Three lies were
created about these facts: That the last 10th king Xisuthros
(Ziusudra) was Noah ascending to heaven when the Flood came, (this lie
was created when Noah died 350 years after the Flood, and Xisuthros
spoke to Babel priests in a seance claiming he was Noah in heaven. The
only truth there is that Xisuthros did ascend back to heaven that year
when the Flood came). Therefore, nor is Adam our first king Alulim.
And thirdly, when Babylon's king Amizaduga died in 1626 BC, he claimed
a 3600-year sar to the End, our coming Armageddon year 6000. A
thousand years later, Babylon's priest Berosus claimed all sars before
the Flood were each 3600 years. (The kings ruled 8 sars or 10 sars or
12 sars, each sar of 10 years being 3600 days, which would be 80 or
100 or 120 years.) Did Alulim rule 80 years or did he rule 28,800
years! So then how can you claim that a 930-year Adam is a story
derived from a 28,800-year Alulim!
The First King (postFlood)
Was it Mene? Was it Nimrod? The Flood year ended on the new year 601
in 2369 BC (Julian Oct 6). It was celebrated by cutting the tar seal
of the door and removing it off the second floor of the ark. But there
was no way any person or animal could step out on the mud. So the
first calendar new year that man's foot was upon the ground was year
602 in 2368 BC (Julian Oct 1), with baby in arms, and morningstar
Damuzi (Mars) in the morning dawn. From this date they would see Mars
as this calendar new year morningstar every 13 years. In 2270 BC, Cush
begat a son he called Narmer, 100 years after the Flood, in Eanna the
city of Cush (Kish). This son is the one Moses was taught to call
Nimrod. At 12 in 2258 BC he was shown that Jupiter of Taurus orbits
with him every 12 years. At 24 it proved to be true in 2246 BC. At 30
he started Babel in 2240 BC. Noah's date for that is year 732 (new
year's day Julian Nov 18). These 130 years are 13 sar (13x 10 year
decades of 3600 days from the first new year), and it is 10x 13-year
Within one year, (2239 BC) Peleg Mesanepada left Babel and went down
river to build the first house of Ur. Ur means The City. It was the
birth of his son Reu Aanepada. As for Nimrod, he returned to Eanna to
fortify its walls and buildings and set it up with city structure, and
then renamed it as Ereck (Uruk, Erech). In the year 739 (2233 BC) all
the dates of the calendar fell on the same Sothic (Julian) dates as
2370 BC, (and all dates of 2232 BC as was 2369 BC), as the year 740.
This year of 360 days was drifted 180 days in 36 years, and 185 days
in 37 years from Peleg's birth in 2269 BC. But Assyria in Babylon of
747 BC claims it is 180 and 185 leap days, claiming Ur to be 720 years
after the Flood, and Peleg's death as 740 years with Reu Aanepada
becoming king.
In 2207 BC, Reu Aanepada's wife carries his son Serug. So Peleg
Mesanepada declares Reu Aanepada as the elder or king of Peleg's whole
family, and house, and servants, and anyone living in Ur. The
anointing was on 10-01-764 (Feb 28) for new year 765 (May 29). The
date 10-01 is based on memorial to Arpaxad's conception by hem on the
date Little Ararat emerged. NeoBabylon concludes it to fall on the new
year of 2207 BC as 1460 years to 747 BC. Thus they see the new year as
the Egyptian new year date Thoth 1 starting in 2770 BC on Julian July
17 which in 2207 BC falls on Julian Feb 26. Reu's kingship measures
the 8-year rising Venus for 80 years from January 2206-2126 BC. And it
also begins the 177 years of Saturn from May 2206-2029 BC. So
observing every 4 years for the leap of the star Sothis in an Egyptian
calendar will count 1460 years from 2206-747 BC. The Venus of 2206 BC
is 1458 Julian years (6x 243 years) in 748 BC which then promotes an
Era in 747 BC as Sothic from the Flood and kingship as 2947 BC to 2207
BC to 1467 BC (Israel as a pivotal date). This is the beginning of The
House, which in Egyptian would be called The Pharaoh.
Pharaoh: The House of Kings
Early Egypt did not have a supreme king called Pharaoh, but rather an
alliance of kings. Noah died in Egypt's year 350 when he is 950 years
old in 2020 BC. Egypt and its city Giza was actually only 150 years
old. The world's societies had divided Shemite versus Hamite in
pursuit of inheriting Canaan when that family dies from their sin. So
it was Narmer who came to Noph Mizraim (10-year old Memphis Egypt) in
2020 BC when Noah died. His idea was that the curse of Noah did not
exist as inherent family moral behavior. Noah had died, so he believed
the curse dies too. So he arranged a merger of the two races by
creating a House in Memphis that all kings (elders) from each city
would come to, to make united ruled decisions. If not all the kings of
the 42 nomes, at least 42 of them, the presiding king (presiding
elder) from each city. He marked this year by the Ptah (Aug 24 cross)
of sun over Mars, and also by the new year 955 (Julian Sep 4, being
355 calendar years in 350 years). Then he took the name Mena (Mene,
Menes). Those against this alliance between the Shemite and Hamite
kings of Egypt as The Pharaoh (House) perceived the day a Hamite would
rule it to oppress Shemites. As a result, all the Egyptian kings of
the 1st through 4th dynasty and 6th through 8th dynasty became members
of The Pharaoh in 2020 BC. Where was the 5th dynasty? Life had dropped
so that Unas and the other 5th dynasty kings died before their
fathers. In 2030 BC all of the 5th dynasty kings had died. Ur had
fallen in 177 years and was marked by 6 orbits of 30-year Saturn.
(Like the moon whose 6 months are 177 days.) These 177 years are a
rebirth cycle or Saturnalia counting the times Saturn passes the star
Regulus of Leo (ending May 6 in 2029 BC worshiped by the Egyptians as
the date Koyak 25, it is the rise of the first fruits or sacrificed
saints to heaven on the Saturnalia). Explanation: 5th dynasty Peleg
Mesanepada are the first fruits that God takes 700 years away from so
they die at 240 when Noah is 940. They choose to beleive this death
takes them to heaven because they are kings like the kings before the
Flood who went back to heaven. And so now as the second fruits to join
Peleg, they become a firstfruits sacrifice by mass suicide in Ur. This
is why the Hyksos fled the year before in 2030 BC before Peleg died.
The sacrifice was an attempt to encourage the rest of 144,000 males
(generations 6-8) to follow thru to heaven. Instead, everyone
scattered and year 2030 BC was called the year of the innocent
slaughtered sheep, and year 2029 BC was called the year of the
scattered monkey (origin of the 12-year calendar, later given the Rat
epoch and era). This is why it says God's concept of 144,000 was
chosen before the foundation of the world, it means before 2030 BC
(Adam's year 1996). Then later, our new world by Noah's Flood was
thought to be 2256 AM so that the 144,000 were wrongly presumed to be
picked 260 years before the Flood. But Christians should believe Jesus
chose the first 12 of the 144,000. Thus the issue of whether anyone
goes to heaven is still a test for those who think they will go.
For this reason, ten years later (in 2020 BC) kingship had lasted 187
years (2207-2020 BC) in the year 955 (or 190 calendar years 765-955).
The year 955 did not have 768 years before these 187 years. Sometimes
people think that the easiest math makes it the truth. Ease or
difficult isn't what makes truth.
During the next thirty-three years the 9th, 10th, and 11th dynasty's
joined the alliance and by 1986 BC the 11th dynasty had gained control
of the House of Pharaoh by declaring a Capricorn Saturnalia. That is
Saturn's return to Capricorn of the winter solstice as it was on the
40th day of the Flood (2369 BC Jan 6). In 1986 BC all 11 dynasties
still exist in the Pharaoh except for the 5th. The kings of the 1st
through 4th dynasty died (1930-1839 BC) much later during of the 12th
dynasty and so of course they are buried with 12th dynasty objects.
(But today's scholars claim the tombs were reopened to worship them
after hundreds of years.) When the 12th dynasty began in 1943 BC,
Abram was 75 in the last year of king Shulgi's 48 years. The kings of
the 6th through 8th dynasty had died. (The mistake of believing it was
1991 BC is from Abram building a home and being bi-residential at the
age of 27. He did not desert Ur, or take his father until Shulgi
released rule to his son Amar-Sin (AmarPal), the rulers of Sin which
is the crossover source between the name of the worshipped moon and
our errors (which began with Adam). Just because sin begins with Adam,
the Seder Olam Rabbah presumes that Sin the moon began with Adam
keeping the 19-year lunar calendar (claiming his creation in 3761 BC).
Astronomy locking in the dates. The year 1943 BC is the year that
proves Jova rules or measures 427 years (2370-1943 BC = 12+415 which
is 5x 83 years), and the same span of 427 years thus is found from
Nimrod's birth to Abram's death (2270-1843 BC). This is why Narmer's
Jupiter from his age at 12 as 2258-2009 BC (3x 83) verifies a reason
some in 2009 BC held Jupiter as a Marduk instead of Mars. But Babel's
Marduk Street aims NE at a summer sostice Mars that year, not the
spring equinox Jupiter. In 747 BC, NeoBabylon claims Marduk Street
aims at the Egyptian date Thoth 1 as the new year and winter solstice
aimed over the SW tower. However, Marduk temple was started the 1st
year of Ninevah in 2060 BC whose rising Mars is east. Thus in 2009 BC
it is Jupiter that is seen out the door of Marduk temple for the
vernal spring equinox dawn. This would later be confused with Thoth 1
(March 20) of 834 BC as Adam's year 3192, and thus push Adam back from
4025 BC to a false 5200 BC.
Joseph was head of agriculture in Egypt by the last Pharaoh of the
12th dynasty. He was put in charge of stockpiling grain during the
seven years of plenty. This ended the 12th dynasty before distributing
it during the seven years of famine. As the famine began Joseph sold
gain to the people for money (Gen. 41:56). When the people ran out of
money Joseph accepted cattle and land in exchange for grain. Some
people even sold themselves into slavery to survive (Gen. 47:19). By
the end of the famine Joseph had acquired all the land in Egypt for
his pharaoh (Gen. 47:20). These events collapsed the 12th dynasty. And
the wealth in knowledge came to an end because of the hate Egyptians
developed for all Shemites, including the Hyksos who had built Memphis
in 2030 BC. The massive impressive knowledge of the 12th dynasty is
what finished all the pyramids started in 2170 BC. Projects failed in
1894 BC during the 12th dynasty when Babylon rose up to rule the east
world. It is like today's world where we live off the accomplishments
of those willing to die doing the industrial building of it and now
have no idea teh depth of knowledge really there about to all be lost
in disaster.
As for Moses, he knows Joseph caused the famine because it is Moses
who says do not plant the 7th year or you will get famine. Today we
rotate crops and plant clover to put the minerals back in. However,
the God-given created process of dreaming had to some where informed
Pharaoh in 1738 BC that there existed farms that failed crops in 7
years. And so he was confused and dreamed what had its source in his
head but was the usual shuffle that we have in dreams, our mind
sorting out during sleep, the real from the ridiculous. Therefore with
dynasty 12 ending as 206 years in 1737 BC or 213 years in 1730 BC.
Egypt's papyrus canon errs by 48 years earlier. The exodus in 1513 BC
results in Pharaoh's first born dying but also results in his own
death at Psalms 136:15 on the dawn of Julian April 16.
How events become altered by an altered chronology. Narmer becomes
Mene at Noah's death in the year 350 after the Flood. And so if the
Flood becomes miscalculated as 3090 BC, then Mene is 2740 BC and 731
years before Marduk 2009 BC. It separates Narmer from being Nimrod.
Even by moving Nimrod's death (at the age of 500) backward from the
Tamuz date of 1770 BC to the Marduk date of 2009 BC, his birth will
still occur after the death of the new fabricated years of Narmer.
So too, with Peleg's death as year 768 instead of year 339-340, he is
moved from 2030 BC back to 2321 BC. It allows him to remain
contemporary with Nimrod, but he loses Noah. This includes king
Gilgamesh who went to see Noah to ask why we are dying so young. Like
the Catholic bishop Niclaus sainted by the Pope for living in the
North, he has been altered far more than mere location. He is declared
as far north as you can go, the north pole. Though they say he was
Dutch in the German Deutsch Nether Lands, the fact that this is Nordic
(northic or north) has beliefs he is from Nor Way. His red robes of a
bishop and cone hat are now that of a jester to make mockery of him.
Yet isn't it sad that the true story of Gilgamesh revealed how we
could have gone back to 900 years of life just 200 years after Peleg's
Another loss is Abram knowing Shem as the king of Salem known as
Melchizedek. Shem died 502 years after the Flood. But miscalculate the
Flood as 600-744 years earlier and Shem has died never meeting Abram
to pass to him the knowledge we need to know to live. Chronology does
matter. Truth matters, lies destroy truth. Truth is required for
discovery of the massive things that can kill us as individuals or in
global disaster. Ask for the true chronology. Don't be blind, don't
die. Being lied to saying you came from heaven, or are going to
heaven, or you've been reincarnated and will again is not going to
change the truth of how God already operates and functions.