Marc Washington
2007-06-19 04:10:30 UTC
Ancient Egypt and Africans with various head shapes - why interesting?
Scientists say that based on the skulls found, predynastic Egypt was
formed by round-headed Westerners as opposed to long-headed Africans.
Is this accurate? Are there no round-headed Africans? What does this
have to do with the creation of Ancient Egypt?
Please use the email at the web-page bottom with your suggestions or
advice as your comments are important and it's easier save them that
way. Thank you.
Definition - African (used generically as are the terms White and
Asian): "Putting color aside, (omitting color) Africans are a people
with some combination of (usally, not always) wooly to wiry hair, a
full nose and mouth, and a head shape typically longer round. Through
miscegenation, a people who in some pre-contact generation were
African in later generations have features which are blended with
White or Mongolian peoples or, in such cases, become muted or vanish
all together."
Paul Marc Washington
Scientists say that based on the skulls found, predynastic Egypt was
formed by round-headed Westerners as opposed to long-headed Africans.
Is this accurate? Are there no round-headed Africans? What does this
have to do with the creation of Ancient Egypt?
Please use the email at the web-page bottom with your suggestions or
advice as your comments are important and it's easier save them that
way. Thank you.
Definition - African (used generically as are the terms White and
Asian): "Putting color aside, (omitting color) Africans are a people
with some combination of (usally, not always) wooly to wiry hair, a
full nose and mouth, and a head shape typically longer round. Through
miscegenation, a people who in some pre-contact generation were
African in later generations have features which are blended with
White or Mongolian peoples or, in such cases, become muted or vanish
all together."
Paul Marc Washington