Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerI point out the absense of credible evidence
and the failure of predictions.
Put another way: You lied.
There is credible evidence. The ice cores. It demonstrates
a correlation between CO2 levels and global temperatures.
As noted in 1990 and still true today we have NO IDEA of a full 1/3 of the CO2
cycle. Having no idea of that much of what adds and removes CO2 from the
atmosphere one has a difficult time attributing the small increase entirely to
human causes.
As to the false assumptions in the otherwise incredible field.
The notion of low pre-industrial CO2 atmospheric level, based on such poor
knowledge, became a widely accepted Holy Grail of climate warming models. The
modelers ignored the evidence from direct measurements of CO2 in atmospheric air
indicating that in 19th century its average concentration was 335 ppmv[11]
(Figure 2) . In Figure 2 encircled values show a biased selection of data used
to demonstrate that in 19th century atmosphere the CO2 level was 292 ppmv[12]. A
study of stomatal frequency in fossil leaves from Holocene lake deposits in
Denmark, showing that 9400 years ago CO2 atmospheric level was 333 ppmv, and
9600 years ago 348 ppmv, falsify the concept of stabilized and low CO2 air
concentration until the advent of industrial revolution [13].
Improper manipulation of data, and arbitrary rejection of readings that do not
fit the pre-conceived idea on man-made global warming is common in many
glaciological studies of greenhouse gases. In peer reviewed publications I
exposed this misuse of science [3, 9]. Unfortunately, such misuse is not limited
to individual publications, but also appears in documents of national and
international organizations. For example IPCC not only based its reports on a
falsified "Siple curve", but also in its 2001 report[14] used as a flagship the
"hockey curve" of temperature, showing that there was no Medieval Warming, and
no Little Ice Age, and that the 20th century was unusually warm. The curve was
credulously accepted after Mann et al. paper published in NATURE magazine[15].
In a crushing criticism, two independent groups of scientists from disciplines
other than climatology [16, 17] (i.e. not supported from the annual pool of many
billion "climatic" dollars),
Noting here levels greater than now have existed so there is no natural
concentration and thus that unknown 1/3 is in need of explanation first.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerWhere has man created a desert. Please be specific.
Why? Haven't you already embarrassed yourself enough with
your empty claims, your lies, your strawman arguments
and your willful ignorance?
Oh, heck, I guess you're crazy enough to say something
retarded and think it's brilliant...
If you need the extract I copied into this reply explained to you just ask.
Post by j***@gmail.comIt's called "Desertification." Try it in google. You're welcome.
Not one reference on the creation of a new desert. Did you find one I missed?
Please post it.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerPost by JTEMNow, on the other hand, if someone (anyone) had claimed
that climactic change could only occur through human
activity then you'd have a point. Your, "But these things
have always happened" would sure refute them.
But nobody is making any such claim, and instead of an
argument all you've got is a sad little strawman.
And that Pentagon report comes back to near term major
changes which are caused by humans.
So? Why would you be upset that a report dealt with only
those changes we have the power to stop?
Because there is no evidence we are causing them in the first place. Even if
all the data is correct, post hoc ergo propter hoc is a fallacy. A causative
mechanism is needed.
BTW: What do you think should be done with a source that produces 26 trillion
liters of CO2 per day? 9.4 quadrillon liters a year much be causing something.
Post by j***@gmail.comAgain, you're pretending that whenever anyone addresses
the human impact on the environment that means that only
humans can have an impact on the environment.
It's a stupid argument. Heck, it's not even an argument!
Rather I said there is no credible evidence of abnormal global warming from any
cause. We are in an interglacial warm period. We have no idea how warm they get
Back in the 70s we were warned of the coming ice age based upon the average
temperature dropping in England in the previous 25 years. Today we are told it
is warming and the increase in temperature in England over the last 25 is
mentioned as evidence. No one mentions today's temperature is back to the level
of the early 1950s.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerMake an intelligent implication of humans.
Once again: The ice core data.
Please cite the actual paper and extract the section which shows what you are
talking about.
Post by j***@gmail.comIt demonstrates both a correlation between CO2 levels
and global temperatures, as well as the rise (well above
any natural levels) of CO2 since industrialization.
[---his bullshit denial of an undeniable volcanic eruption snipped---]
Snipped because it is only questioning the magnitude of the eruption and the
imagined consequences of if. I said nothing about the eruption itself not having
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerPost by JTEMEven odder: That you think it matters. We have the
Thera/Santorini eruption. It definitely took place. We
know this for a fact. We can find the debri from this
eruption for hundreds of kilometers, we find the ash
in the Greenland ice cores, and yet you would cast
doubt on the bleeding obvious.
That really says something about you, about your
opinions here.
And I am certain we can find evidence of the Mt. St. Helens
eruption in Greenland but that does not mean it was other
than a local disaster.
We're not talking about a single event here -- only one
eruption or impact that lead to the collapse of whole
civilizations. We're talking about numerous matches
However, given that you are on record denying that the
eruption even took place, I really don't feel it necessary
to debate you further on this point. You're a lost cause.
Post by Matt GiwerEgyptians were sea-faring.
Great. So you're back to pretending that the volcano
never erupted....
I never said that. It appears reading comprehension is not one of your skills.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerPost by JTEM
Thak you for wrecking your own credibility.
[--more denials of the bleeding obvious snipped--]
Again, statements of what I really said removed showing you are lying about
what you claim I said.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerActually these are the points which I repeat above.
Hold on there. Don't give yourself too much credit. You
made some stupid claims, yes, but that hardly qualifies
as making points.
That the magnitude of the eruption is highly overrated for lack of direct
mention of it? What is incorrect about that statement?
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerAnd with all those far away effects no one in the med
bothered to make mention of it at the time nor did
anyone remember it to write it down later even though
the effects were seen as far away as China.
Oh I guess that means it never happened, that the pixies
planted all the pumice stone & buried some houses
under ash to fool us...
It means it is overrated.
Post by j***@gmail.comI'm not sure why you keep missing it, but there something
about "civilization collapsed" that doesn't leave a lot of
room for "well organized library of records."
Civilization collapsed? Really? There were several large changes over a couple
centuries. There is no evidence they all happened at the same time. Nor is there
any evidence as to why. And certainly if there were major climate changes there
would be all kinds of evidence starting with dendrochronology.
However we do know the eastern Med went from rather lush to arid about that
time and has stayed that way. The last of the Sahara savannahs disappeared
around that time so it was more than just the eastern Med. But as all has stayed
that way it cannot have been caused by a transient event.
Post by j***@gmail.comAnd when did you crack Linear A? I mean, how else could
you know what it does and does not say if you haven't
cracked it?
As I said, Egyptian is well understood. They were sea-faring and they were one
of the examples of "collapse" and they make no mention of such an event. Why
would you insist upon it being in the one so far indecipherable language?
But to go further, you are committing a logical fallacy called begging the
question. You are assuming the record is in Linear A and then using the
inability to translate it to bolster your claim. There is no basis for your
assumption therefore the inability to read it meaningless to your claim.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerThis is an insurmountable issue until someone finds a
mention of it. It does not compute.
The only thing that doesn't "Compute" is your denial of
a well documented, even observable fact.
The eruption is a fact. The magnitude you are assuming is not a fact in evidence.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerThe basic problem is both sides of the argument are
trying to force the eruption date and the consequences
date into the same date.
No. You've just made that up.
Sorry but those civilizations did not all collapse at the same time.
Post by j***@gmail.comPost by Matt GiwerAnd here is a big hint. This entire effort started with trying
to use Thera to demonstrate there was historical content
in Exodus as the cause of the plagues and other miracles
regardless of how absurd the claims.
Totally bogus. This is the first time anyone raised any such
nonsense in this thread, and it's you who is doing it.
I am just giving you the origin of the interest in making that eruption into
something huge. This has been around so long Asimov had an article on it over 30
years ago.
Defense of Israel by an American citizen is anti-American.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 3678
antisemitism a1