Post by duckyPost by AncHistI've been trying to draw a timeline for ancient Egypt. I am trying to
determine the earliest known date on that timeline. I have found
answers ranging from 65 B.C to 90 B.C. I was hoping to hear from
experts and to get an idea of reliable sources I can look at.
I have bible answers if you wish them. Email me at ***
Such answers as the Pharaoh was created in Year 350 when Egypt was
Egypt was reunited in Year 955.
The Egyptian Septuagint places Noah's Flood in 3090 BC
despite the Greek Septuagint placing it in 2958 BC
based on Greek year for Flood versus Egyptian year for Flood.
Now note this: that with Flood as Noah's year 600 that
a Pharaoh 350 years later is Noah's death as year 950.
Scholars say that the epoch 3090 BC is only a flodding Nile
and so they choose the epoch to be Pharaoh an place 350
years of obsucrity before it when all sources prove clearly
that these people beleived the Pharaoh to be 350 years after epoch.
Now notice that 350 years are in a 360-day calendar as 355 years
so that the span of 600 to 950 is calendar years 600 to 955.
But in reconstructing crhonology by Ramses in 1290 BC
they decided this 955 was 768 + 187.
Hebrew Bible Genesis? well the difference between New Year Toth
and a truth of Pamenot as new year is 180 leap days or 720 years.
A drift from 3090 BC to 2370 BC to 1650 BC.
A Flood of 2370 BC produces a Pharaoh of 2020 BC
as being both Year 350 and callendar year 955.
So 187 years of kings 6th thru 8th would be 2207-2020 BC.
This implies Egypt did not have the first kings but that
Ur did because the Era of Babylon lays out
2947 BC for Flood
2207 BC for year 740 as 185 leap days
and as Peleg's death
PLus 740 to 1467 BC as Israel stealing the claim
to be the New Chaldea in Canaan plus 720 to 747 BC
as a 1460-year Sothic cycle from 2207-1467 BC.
This implies Ur ruled 177 years from 2207-2030 BC
after Peleg died in 2207 BC
while a Flood of 2370 BC places Ur ruling the same
177 years 2207-2030 BC UNTIL this Peleg died.
The kings who ended ruling in Ur in 2030 BC
continued to rule in Memphis until 2020 BC.
So that they ruled 187 years until Pharaoh was
a HOUSE collecting them all to have united equal say.
This say ended when the 11th dynasty Pharaoh
took absolute power (a reborn Osiris, king of kings)
for 43 years. But in 1290 BC they had to regard this as 143
years to fill in the stretch to Shulgi's 1st year 1991 BC
when in fact Abram who left Ur at 27 in 1991 BC
did not disown Ur until Shulgi's last year 1943 BC
in prefernece to the foundation of 12th dynasty Egypt.
This places 11th dynasty ar 1986 BC instead of 2134 BC.
(43 years 1986-1943 BC instead of 143 years 2134-1991 BC)
With 1991 BC as Shulgi's 1st year, 1986 BC is his 6th year
when 11th dynasty was given kingship rights, but
perhaps Pharaoh proving his control in Shulgi's 7th 1985 BC
because there is a 6-7 year shift between many cross-
chronologies. For example, even though Ibbi-Sin was an
elder (a king) in 2029 BC and placed his servant on the
throne of Isan, his actual kingship in Ur was 1925 BC
ending in 1901 BC whose destruction is then 6-7 years
to Babylon's rise of 1894 BC. Another example is the
mass migration Jannes stirred up in Egypt from 1602-1600 BC
hating the Shemites. MOses was born 6-7 years later in 1594 BC when
Babylon fell completing 300 years.
THis 7 year confusion is affiliated with Egyptian dates when we look
MeskianNannar given the throne by Reu Aanipada (2207-2127 BC)
in 2127 BC and here we see Ramses support the beleive that
the Pharaoh became the world ruler (successor of The King
being The Son who is handed the throne)
miscalculated as 2134 BC as 7 years before Aanipada does so
handing it to MeskiagNannar in 2127 BC.
This is also the case in Japan where Sothic reckoning of the
calendar claims the 365-day year spans 2400 years from
rpoch 3060 BC to 660 BC as Era. The 1460 years is 2120 BC
a mere 7 years after the 2127 BC.
The true 7 years appears to be Ur's foundation in 2239 BC
determining 137 years as Sothic (139x 360 days) in the year
2233-2232 BC as 7th year of the city.
So the bottom line is reduction can be calculated by calendar
and astronomy not by adding numbers of geneology claimed
from textual readings of lists. If you added American presidents
the way we add Egypt then America would already have 2000 years of