Babylon's 70 years of kings 607-537 BC
(too old to reply)
2008-02-25 23:38:15 UTC
Ashurbanipal 21 years 670-649 BC
Ashur-itillu-illani 4 years 649-645 BC
Nabopolassar 21 years 645-624 BC
Nebuchanezzar coronation 625 BC
Nebuchadnezzar 43 years 624-581 BC
Evil-Merodach 22 years 582-560 BC
in absentee of Nebuchadnezzar 7 years 582-575 BC
coregent for Nebuchadnezzar's return 12th year 575-563 BC (Polyhister)
His total rule for Nebuchadnezzar 18 years 582-564 BC (Josephus)
(confusion later is eliminated by deleting one 19-year cycle of lunar
This is done by regarding these 19 years
as Nebuchadnezzar's years 25-43 instead of as 44-62.
In record should we expect to find tablets of 1 thru 19 of Evil-Marduk
or would they be labeled as 1 thru 19 in name of Nebuchadnezzar
Evil-Merodach (sole rule) 2 years 563-561 BC
Neriglissar 4 years 560-556 BC
Labashi-Marduk (9 months) 557-556 BC
Nabonidus 17 years 556-539 BC

This 19-year shift goes back to an Era of Samaria being
740 BC Era claimed as a 721 BC Era. The year 740 BC is Tamuz.
362 orbits of Mars as 773 Julian years
It is 773 years after exodus world disaster in1513 BC
just as Israel division 997 BC is 773 years after 1770 BC
Nimrod's death when baby Judah was born in Syria.
Nimrod is not Ninus, Nimrod lived 500 (2270-1770 BC) while Ninus
was a king 600 years after Shem Melchizedek's death in 1868 BC.
The 600-year Venus is called Semiramis from 1867-1267 BC when Ninus
rebuilt Nineveh.
However, Tamuz which is Mars (Damuzi) is the lunar month of July
when Mars was observed in 1770 BC and 997 BC. So thinking that
Tamuz is the 19 year moon subtract 19 years after 740 BC and you have
721 BC for Samaria instead of 740 BC.
Now the mistake was to think that this meant Senacharib honored
himself upon
the 740 BC Era and it got mistaken as 721 BC, however the Greek Era
776 BC
calculated as Ur was the Era he used not 721 BC, so the error between
776 BC and the scholastic 722 BC is 54 years all the way back to 1594
when Babylon fell.
Tom McDonald
2008-02-26 03:43:31 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
Ashurbanipal 21 years 670-649 BC
Ashur-itillu-illani 4 years 649-645 BC
Nabopolassar 21 years 645-624 BC
Nebuchanezzar coronation 625 BC
Nebuchadnezzar 43 years 624-581 BC
Evil-Merodach 22 years 582-560 BC
in absentee of Nebuchadnezzar 7 years 582-575 BC
coregent for Nebuchadnezzar's return 12th year 575-563 BC (Polyhister)
His total rule for Nebuchadnezzar 18 years 582-564 BC (Josephus)
(confusion later is eliminated by deleting one 19-year cycle of lunar
This is done by regarding these 19 years
as Nebuchadnezzar's years 25-43 instead of as 44-62.
In record should we expect to find tablets of 1 thru 19 of Evil-Marduk
or would they be labeled as 1 thru 19 in name of Nebuchadnezzar
Evil-Merodach (sole rule) 2 years 563-561 BC
Neriglissar 4 years 560-556 BC
Labashi-Marduk (9 months) 557-556 BC
Nabonidus 17 years 556-539 BC
This 19-year shift goes back to an Era of Samaria being
740 BC Era claimed as a 721 BC Era. The year 740 BC is Tamuz.
362 orbits of Mars as 773 Julian years
It is 773 years after exodus world disaster in1513 BC
just as Israel division 997 BC is 773 years after 1770 BC
Nimrod's death when baby Judah was born in Syria.
Nimrod is not Ninus, Nimrod lived 500 (2270-1770 BC) while Ninus
was a king 600 years after Shem Melchizedek's death in 1868 BC.
The 600-year Venus is called Semiramis from 1867-1267 BC when Ninus
rebuilt Nineveh.
However, Tamuz which is Mars (Damuzi) is the lunar month of July
when Mars was observed in 1770 BC and 997 BC. So thinking that
Tamuz is the 19 year moon subtract 19 years after 740 BC and you have
721 BC for Samaria instead of 740 BC.
Now the mistake was to think that this meant Senacharib honored
himself upon
the 740 BC Era and it got mistaken as 721 BC, however the Greek Era
776 BC
calculated as Ur was the Era he used not 721 BC, so the error between
776 BC and the scholastic 722 BC is 54 years all the way back to 1594
when Babylon fell.
This is silly. Lars Wilson has shown conclusively that the JW
chronology is absolutely correct, and your numerology is all wet.
2008-02-26 17:46:39 UTC
Post by Tom McDonald
This is silly. Lars Wilson has shown conclusively that the JW
chronology is absolutely correct, and your numerology is all wet.- Hide quoted text -
There was no numerology listed. Only astronomy calendar, and
Numerology adds translates things into numbers to add them up to make
unrelated claims.
Numerology also is a mere game of probability odds with numbers. But
are the only facts in numerology, namely that math is a guarantee to
come up
with numbers, like your insurance, and casinos who rely on the fact of
to get the money they want and avoid paying you if they didnt
calculate those
exact odds correctly. So for you to call any number numerology is in
malice like perhaps an irish witch would accuse. Or dont you know we
all see the
witchcraft in your post. Please step away from your witchcraft guy,
it'll kill you.
Perhaps you can note how i am capable of seeing things just like you
do, thru your
eyes, the way you see, and then speak like you do too.
Anyone care to burn the witch now. Hey i'm not the one that posted the
topic of numerology in his text, he did. I'm stepping down here, I'm
not the
one suggesting he be killed and burned. You do that on your own dudes.
I wont be the one to punish him for his words, soemone elese will.
Enjoy your day Tom.
Many of us here, who can be just like you.
2008-03-03 19:11:43 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
There was no numerology listed.
Well. What kind of sorry excuse for science isn't
completely dependent on numerology?
2009-05-26 03:36:41 UTC
Post by Tom McDonald
Post by Elijahovah
Ashurbanipal 21 years 670-649 BC
Ashur-itillu-illani 4 years 649-645 BC
Nabopolassar 21 years 645-624 BC
Nebuchanezzar coronation 625 BC
Nebuchadnezzar 43 years 624-581 BC
Evil-Merodach 22 years 582-560 BC
in absentee of Nebuchadnezzar 7 years 582-575 BC
coregent for Nebuchadnezzar's return 12th year 575-563 BC (Polyhister)
His total rule for Nebuchadnezzar 18 years 582-564 BC (Josephus)
(confusion later is eliminated by deleting one 19-year cycle of lunar
This is done by regarding these 19 years
as Nebuchadnezzar's years 25-43 instead of as 44-62.
In record should we expect to find tablets of 1 thru 19 of Evil-Marduk
or would they be labeled as 1 thru 19 in name of Nebuchadnezzar
Evil-Merodach (sole rule) 2 years 563-561 BC
Neriglissar 4 years 560-556 BC
Labashi-Marduk (9 months) 557-556 BC
Nabonidus 17 years 556-539 BC
This 19-year shift goes back to an Era of Samaria being
740 BC Era claimed as a 721 BC Era. The year 740 BC is Tamuz.
362 orbits of Mars as 773 Julian years
It is 773 years after exodus world disaster in1513 BC
just as Israel division 997 BC is 773 years after 1770 BC
Nimrod's death when baby Judah was born in Syria.
Nimrod is not Ninus, Nimrod lived 500 (2270-1770 BC) while Ninus
was a king 600 years after Shem Melchizedek's death in 1868 BC.
The 600-year Venus is called Semiramis from 1867-1267 BC when Ninus
rebuilt Nineveh.
However, Tamuz which is Mars (Damuzi) is the lunar month of July
when Mars was observed in 1770 BC and 997 BC. So thinking that
Tamuz is the 19 year moon subtract 19 years after 740 BC and you have
721 BC for Samaria instead of 740 BC.
Now the mistake was to think that this meant Senacharib honored
himself upon
the 740 BC Era and it got mistaken as 721 BC, however the Greek Era
776 BC
calculated as Ur was the Era he used not 721 BC, so the error between
776 BC and the scholastic 722 BC is 54 years all the way back to 1594
when Babylon fell.
This is silly. Lars Wilson has shown conclusively that the JW
chronology is absolutely correct, and your numerology is all wet.
If Lars Wilson thinks Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE, which I don't think he
does, then he is as wrong as Eli.

Fact is Josephus dates the 70 years from the time of the last deportation,
when the "people went off their land" based on Ant. 11.1.1. This directly
contradicts the new Neo-Babylonian timeline but not that of the Bible.

The actual dating can be confirmed by the dating in the VAT4956 which
attempts to hide the changes made to the timeline, dating year 37 to 511
This is in complete alignment with the Biblical dating of the 1st of Cyrus
455 BCE. If we add 70 years to this date back to the last deportation it
dates year 23 (Jer. 52:30) to 525 BCE. 525 BCE, of course, means that
year 37 falls in 511 BCE.

So it is all corrected now. Basically, the Persians wanted to expand their
kingships and so stole 26 years from the Neo-Babylonian kings thus the
Neo-Babylonian revised timeline is 26 years too long and can no longer
accommodate the 70-year interval between year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar
and the 1st of Cyrus in 455 BCE.

Until you face this reality, actually look into the Persian Period issues in
the timeline as well as the Greek revisions by Xenophon you will ALWAYS
have problems aligning the Bible's chronology, including these 70 years
the last deportation and the 1st of Cyrus.

Relative chronology: 70 years are from year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar to 1st of
Absolute chronology: 525 BCE to 455 BCE.

Update or forever be wrong.

2009-05-26 12:02:50 UTC
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