Post by Eugene GriesselPost by Katherine GriffisThe symbol is Gardiner sign F17 in the hieroglyph sign list.
According to Gardiner, it is a combination of F16 (horn) and D 60 (a
jar pouring water), which is the ideogram (determinative) for the
term, "pure, clean". Hence the term is /abw/, meaning
"purification" (Gardiner 1982 (1957): 463).
It is _not_ a spermatazoa, but a jar pouring water over a horn and
referring to the act of purification.
Yes - a jar pouring water and not a lotus bud. My mistake. Any
chance of a translation of the text - or the bit visible?
As the entire inscription is not visible, I can only take a rough
guess here, but approximately /mAAt abw m.../, possibly "do/make
purification with (?) [multiple = |||] ..."
The line to the right has something to do with 'giving water
(offerings)', I should think. Most of the text appears to be part of
the standard daily ritual text for a divinity.
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Regards --
Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, SSEA, ASOR
Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom