2007-11-09 11:22:12 UTC
It was possibly in the wilderness of Sinai in 1513 B.C.E. that Moses,
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----I believe Moses was born circa 1900 BC. Thus the time of the `
actual exodus of the Hebrews out of Egypt was closer to 1820 `
BC. But what's a few centuries in the grand scheme of things? ` `
perhaps before the Deluge of Noah's day, which occurred in 2370 B.C.E. `
I believe the great flood was circa 28,000 BC. I also believe `dating the actual Creation of this solar system, which in turn
is far younger than the Creation of this galaxy, ad infinitum, ` `
is half-way between a few billion years BPE, and "young earth" `
faithful, Ussher, et al fundamentalists, who apparently never
heard of the perfect mood. The first Immortal humans on Earth ` `
circa 100,000,000 years BPE. The Adamic Fall circa 200,000 BC, ` `
& commencement of the astronomical long-count circa 177,376 BC.
The great tribulation, Armageddon to the end of this old heaven
and old earth imminent to before Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD, ` `
with the purging of the temple complete by or before circa 2331 `
AD. But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong, but could you? `
In Vigilance,
Daniel Joseph Min `
http://www.2hot2cool.com/11/danieljosephmin/ `
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