2008-12-24 21:45:14 UTC
Who or what is African? Geographically, those who live in Africa whose
ancestry there dates back millions of years. Physically, Africans are
those (one can argue – exceptions abound) who have some combination of
full facial features and/or wooly / wiry hair. This question is of
significance as those who are physically African were your earliest
known peoples of the world’s earliest societies and also the first
historical monarchs of North America predating the Mayflower in cases
by over 1500 years. They might even be called the first Afro-
This post is part of a series identifying by name these Mayan monarchs
of African phenotype. Further, analogies between ancient Mayan and
African societies exist which would seem to indicate that Mayan roots
are found in Africa. In Mexico, these monarchs are from Bonampak,
Pelenque, Yaxchilan; in Guatemala from Quirigua and Machaquila; in the
Honduras, from Copan.
In this series, 17 named, known, historical monarchs will be presented
a new one every few days over the period of perhaps three weeks. The
one who is the subject of any given post will have his or her name
capitalized in the King’s list below starting with monarch of Bonampak
known as King Fish Fin who reigned near 521 AD. Theirs were the first
civilizations with great art, agriculture, religion, social
complexity, longevity.
Those whose browsers allow will see the imbedded picture below the
text. Otherwise, following the link will reveal the picture.
[1] KING FISH FIN, c. 521 AD
[2] Likely King Chaan Muan-I c. 603 AD
[3] King B’utz’aj Sak Chiik, 487-501 AD
[4] King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-I, 615-683 AD
[5] King Upakal K'inich 721 736 AD
[6] King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-II, 742-746 AD
[7] King Itzamnaaj B’alam-II, 681-742 AD
[8] Queen, K’abal Xook, 681-742 AD
[9] Queen Evening Star c. 700-750 AD
[10] King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[11] King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[12] Mut Balam Servant Of Queen K’abal Xook, 681-710
[13] King Tutuum Yohl K’inich, c. 455.AD
[14] King K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Yoaat, c. 724-785 AD
[15] King Siyaj K’in Chaak, c. 820 AD
[16] King Waxaklajuun Ub’aah K’awiil, c. 695-738 AD
[17] King Yax Pasaj Chan, 763-810 AD
Identical features of African-Mayan Civilization
1. Divine kingship
2. Sun gods
3. God of writing
4. masonry block for monumental buildings
5. pyramids
6. transformation at death to divine being
7. Sun god combating its enemy, the serpent
8. the becoming of an ancestor after death
9. Patron gods
10. Gods carried in effigy
11. Use of dynastic names (e.g. Balam-1, Balam-II … Balam V)
12. Enthronement ceremony
13. Court lords
14. Iconography of trampling the enemy underfoot (seen in Egypt)
15. Incense burners
16. Head elongation
17. Use of shields in warfare
18. Identical loop-earing ornamentation
19. Three pairs of male/female creation gods under one supreme god
20. Twin brothers in the Cain-Able mode
21. King as central axis of universe
22. A heaven of four quadrants
23. A tripartite creation: underworld, earth, heavens
24. An Osiris-like corn god called the Maize god
25. Perhaps same type of dug-out canoes
(The above 25 are half of the analogies equating ancient African and
societies and peoples – not all)
Marc Washington
I am willing to believe an African heritage because the MayanWho or what is African? Geographically, those who live in Africa whose
ancestry there dates back millions of years. Physically, Africans are
those (one can argue – exceptions abound) who have some combination of
full facial features and/or wooly / wiry hair. This question is of
significance as those who are physically African were your earliest
known peoples of the world’s earliest societies and also the first
historical monarchs of North America predating the Mayflower in cases
by over 1500 years. They might even be called the first Afro-
This post is part of a series identifying by name these Mayan monarchs
of African phenotype. Further, analogies between ancient Mayan and
African societies exist which would seem to indicate that Mayan roots
are found in Africa. In Mexico, these monarchs are from Bonampak,
Pelenque, Yaxchilan; in Guatemala from Quirigua and Machaquila; in the
Honduras, from Copan.
In this series, 17 named, known, historical monarchs will be presented
a new one every few days over the period of perhaps three weeks. The
one who is the subject of any given post will have his or her name
capitalized in the King’s list below starting with monarch of Bonampak
known as King Fish Fin who reigned near 521 AD. Theirs were the first
civilizations with great art, agriculture, religion, social
complexity, longevity.
Those whose browsers allow will see the imbedded picture below the
text. Otherwise, following the link will reveal the picture.
[1] KING FISH FIN, c. 521 AD
[2] Likely King Chaan Muan-I c. 603 AD
[3] King B’utz’aj Sak Chiik, 487-501 AD
[4] King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-I, 615-683 AD
[5] King Upakal K'inich 721 736 AD
[6] King K'inich Janaab' Pakal-II, 742-746 AD
[7] King Itzamnaaj B’alam-II, 681-742 AD
[8] Queen, K’abal Xook, 681-742 AD
[9] Queen Evening Star c. 700-750 AD
[10] King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[11] King YaxuunBalam-IV, 752-768 AD
[12] Mut Balam Servant Of Queen K’abal Xook, 681-710
[13] King Tutuum Yohl K’inich, c. 455.AD
[14] King K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Yoaat, c. 724-785 AD
[15] King Siyaj K’in Chaak, c. 820 AD
[16] King Waxaklajuun Ub’aah K’awiil, c. 695-738 AD
[17] King Yax Pasaj Chan, 763-810 AD
Identical features of African-Mayan Civilization
1. Divine kingship
2. Sun gods
3. God of writing
4. masonry block for monumental buildings
5. pyramids
6. transformation at death to divine being
7. Sun god combating its enemy, the serpent
8. the becoming of an ancestor after death
9. Patron gods
10. Gods carried in effigy
11. Use of dynastic names (e.g. Balam-1, Balam-II … Balam V)
12. Enthronement ceremony
13. Court lords
14. Iconography of trampling the enemy underfoot (seen in Egypt)
15. Incense burners
16. Head elongation
17. Use of shields in warfare
18. Identical loop-earing ornamentation
19. Three pairs of male/female creation gods under one supreme god
20. Twin brothers in the Cain-Able mode
21. King as central axis of universe
22. A heaven of four quadrants
23. A tripartite creation: underworld, earth, heavens
24. An Osiris-like corn god called the Maize god
25. Perhaps same type of dug-out canoes
(The above 25 are half of the analogies equating ancient African and
societies and peoples – not all)
Marc Washington
is Egyptian
of Africa, and even heading west out of Egypt they must travel thru
African tribes joining them to cross the Atlantic.
Egypt was founded by Hamitic blacks iin 2170 BC which is 200 years
after the Flood. The Shemites arrived in 2030 BC as Hyksos upon
the death of Unas Sakkara of the 5th dynasty.
Let me clarify the connection. On a biblical Genesis level according
Moses of 1513 BC (as year 857 after Flood; sothic tun 137 +sothic
mind you 720 haab is 730 tun continuing the sothic nature of the 137
which are exactly 139 tun)
rather than Egyptian Septuagint Genesis (280 BC) which takes its
from the Ramses Papyrus (1290 BC; as year 1800 after Flood using
as 600 + 1200; the true 600 being Hamurabi's 1770 BC.)
The Maya acknowledge the record of 1554-1553 BC,
by Moses this is his year 40 of age and is year 475 since the
of the world caused by Peleg Mesanipada's death (and Unas Sakkara),
causing the city Ur's mass suicide and flight there from which had
begun upon word that Peleg was dying and this suicide by Nahor
and Haran Mesalumdug would take place.
Thus year 817 from the Flood but Adams 2472- 2473, used at Stonehenge
for an original 56-year countdown to year 6000 as Armageddon before
world confusion of 1513 BC altered all the original countdowns by the
moon and four planets. In Maya, that year is 1560 after the Flood
5x 312 years since 3114 BC (Adams 2256 AM) as Adams 3816 AM.
Their foundation of Copan in 1313 BC up river from the year after
declared Volcan Cosguina as the mountain (Ararat; ziggurat) of the
Sothic flame or fire in 1314 BC, acknowledges the 41 year staionary
orbiting comet encounter of 1514 BC which sunk Thera Atlantis 900
before Salone of 614 BC. The route of the original Maya is correctly
oriental having Chinese words in its word graphics. Heiroglyphics are
an evolved belief that each picture or symbol should be a word not
a sound and spreds from Egypt (to China to Japan and to Maya) east
to the sunris. But as others have uncovered and discovered these
traces carry Chinese and African. What is Egyptian becomes buried
but not totally lost in its trek across Asia to Copan, but Egyptian
arrive as immigrants into Mayan lands from Egypt and Africa headed
to the sunset where it creates the dispute of which day / date it
(no international dateline existing telling Chinese to subtract a
From Babylon's last year 1595 BC and
its fall in 300 years upon the birth of Moses in 1594 BC,
the 365-day haab (Egyptian/Mayan) having a 25 year lunar
calendar of 309m which were analyzed by Abram at age 75
(3x 25y) falls in contrast to 76 year lunar (4x 19y)
which having 19 leap days creates a 19-year Sothic moon
of 235m.
Cycling twice, where 150 years are 1854m for 150 haab (365-day),
then contrasts to twice 76 sothic years having 38 leap days as
1880m (a difference of 26 moons instead of 24). There is never
two years of consecutive 13 lunar months. And so the 76 year
sothic moon must be seasonal not the 75 year calendar moon.
So continues the 365 day calendar (still never adding leap days)
and still regarding the leap as the stars forward in date,
but now the whole world finally admits and recognizes that the
seasonal sun also leaps with those stars too. Thus the years
1443-1442 BC from Babylon's fall.
The Jews go 19-year lunar in Joshua's last year 1443 BC, and
Babylon goes 19-year lunar at his death in 1442 BC. China goes
19-year lunar in 1437 BC because it is 76 years after 1513 BC.
Which they see as Sothic, the 720 years from Ur 2233 BC,
but insist the Flood was yet another 720 before that in 2953 BC.
In Greek Septuagint (280 BC) having a 2958 BC Flood they
conclude that Marduk's year 950 is not 2009 BC but 2007 BC
(as 2956-2007 BC) and regard the proof as seeing the lunar
19 year calendar as created in 1473 BC. In doing so they
perceived it as 19 years from 1492 BC and 1511 BC. This is
why they move the Exodus two years to 1511 BC; and why James
Ussher beleives it is evidence for it being 1492 BC. The year
1473 BC comes from Rome knowing Jews conquered Canaan in
1473 BC after 40 years in Sinai. Both Rome and Babylon
expect to be God's new city to replace UR (the city) of Chaldea.
This competes with Jewish claim where Moses took Egypt
(conquered it only in the sense that he predicted the plagues
and used it to take away all of Egypt, out of Egypt
(from people to property, anyone with everything who wanted
to be the New Israel including the Hyksos
who had found Memphis at Peleg's death 518 years earlier).
Thus with Moses headed to create the New City by taking Canaan
in natural ways as Egypt had been taken away by God, now both
Rome in 753 BC and Babylon in 747 BC wanted to take Canaan
to prove they are the New City of God's rule and then go after
Egypt as that proof where we see even Daniel says the king
will continually go to Egypt to discover its original treasures or
truths to our origins. Rome chooses 753 BC because it is
a sothic 720 from Israel taking Canaan in 1473 BC, and
Babylon chooses 747 BC because as a Sothic 1460 from
king Reu Aanipada (2207 BC) of 177 year Ur, it is thus also
a sothic 720 from when Israel claimed its Canaan borders in 1467 BC.
It is important for Rome and Babylon to conquer Canaan (as Jews did)
and thus conquer Israel in the claims of being the Greater New City
This has been true to this day with Catholics who took it, and with
Iraq trying. Remember that Ishmael begot his 12 sons before his
Isaac did (in fact grandson Jacob succeeded in having the 12); and
so Moslems too say Israel has been replaced; they are the new house
And so they too want Canaan if means conquering Israel.
The Maya are not in this war because they left, as Japan, as China,
as India; it is not their concern because they see the New City
as the new place they find. But corruption is inherited by the
of words in written record; metaphoric words like sacrifice of heart
can be ultimate spirit of God, or repulsive stupidity in altar
sacrifice of humans.
So in view of all this we are one big family, and the issue of who is
or who is black or who is the New City or God is irrelevent that we
truly have
connections to all cultures descending from Noah, not just since
(2240 BC) or Ur's fall 2030 BC, or its 2nd fall 1900 BC, or
death (1625 BC), or Babylon's fall (1594 BC) or global disaster from
1514 BC comet.... all these cultures connected with teh same ideas
argued on all the ideas they disagreed on and divided about. And from
1513 BC onward the identites they had already formed, they now
segregated pemrmanently enough to begin to form their own DISTINCT
identities stressing unlike the rest of the world.... until the world
so big they are forced to meet at the borders of today.
Gather together claiming you want peace and will have peace, but it
is world war 3 you make this year, and the peace you claim you have
when united immediately after ward will do nothing for surviving the
asteroid impact we are having on Good Friday. The Christ is the true
leader like Moses who gets those people out during the global
But you people will kill that one, and so she (with her husband he)
will have to take tgat kead by spirit because you will not have
at all; but rather like Jesus they will be the only humans who have
ever actually gone to heaven to save flesh on Earth.
Unless that flesh is saved, a great unnumbered crowd,
the newly wed couple will have no children because it requires the
human voices of the bride's church on earth to raise all the dead one
by one
until all have returned back to life.
Do know this that you are incompetent, negligent, even vindictive in
the fact that all chronologies of all nations is there and you want
lie that claims it's all a mixed up soup that no one can claim is
complete and disproves evolution of Adam. Your hour is here because
you do not see that human rulership by father began 6000 calendar
years (6000 tun) before 1914 AD, and that is 6000 years (orbits)
1975 AD, because we are now in year 6033. The kingdom of God has
been here on Earth for 104 years so discreet it didn't even know it
was the kingdom of God. They have never declared their kingship,
and when they do you will kill them because their British license
of June 1 in 1914 AD is no longer protected againt USA and UN
ELIJAH (in this year 32 of Artaxerxes who is also Jesus)
As for Malachi, he is a man in Fort Lauderdale Florida who on
handed me a Bible to show me year 32 had arrived, and Elijah must now