Post by GeopeliaThe Jews do have a record of their early religion, going back to Moses in
Egyptian times. But before that most would be legend.
Christians do know much of their history after Nicaea. But the earlier
days, back to Jesus himself, may be myth.
It's all myth, both old and new testaments are myth, but you
Though hardly ever explicitly stated, what we think of as
"Jews" today could not possibly have been "Jews" in
ancient times. For starters, there were far too many. They
were responsible for three major revolts -- and when
history says three history means four -- several of which
were on a very wide scale, engulfing much of the empire.
Perhaps Hebrews would be a better word for the ancient tribe.
Which revolts, and which empire?
Josephus describes the one in detail when the Temple was destroyed, though
the numbers he gives are probably not accurate.
Which were the others?
Do you include the Exodus from Egypt?
....and there is almost nothing written about any of it.
Some sources speak of a revolt so large & bloody that
for years afterwards any Jew stepping foot on Crete would
be killed. Others talk about Hadrian facing a Jewish army
of some 50,000 combatants outside Alexandria. That
particular revolt was supposed to be so large that it spread
across north Africa, through the Levant and up into northern
Anatolia. We;re talking "Big." Long before that ever happened
Jews were supposed to have been so troublesome that at
least two Emperors banned them from the city of Rome!
Almost no details exists.
Oddly, if we place the missing Jewish story alongside the
Christianity myth, things begin to line up....
We have, for example, the persecution of Christians, starting
with Nero, and no word of Jews. Why this is shockingly strange
is that it parallels the Jewish revolt! So we have Jews revolting,
but nobody is persecuting Jews. They're all persecuting
"Christians" according to the myth.
The Christians Nero persecuted would probably have been Roman converts.
Some would have been slaves.
Rome was very tolerant of other religions, provided the official Roman
religion was respected.
It was the claim that there was only one god that was the problem.
Now the traditional excuse is to say something like, "Well,
the earliest Christians were Jews." Which, oddly, makes no
sense as Jesus preaches AGAINST rebellion. He attacks
the Jews -- the religion itself through the temple and the
Priests -- and he preaches against rebellion.
He attacked the narrow observance of religious laws, and the money changers
of the Temple.
Get it? Christianity -- the bible -- teaches that the Jews
are the bad guys, that the Romans are the good guys. The
Romans were so disgusted at the Jews murdering Christ
that Pilot literally "Washes his hands" of the whole thing. It's
the Jews who are completely responsible...
Matthew 27:24-25
When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was
made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am
innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our
(Hasn't the Pope recently absolved the Jews of the blood guilt? That verse
may have been added later, anyway.)
So we have a sect that preaches AGAINST rebellion, a
sect that teaches that Jews are bad and that the Romans
are good and this sect is being persecuted while the
Jews are not, and all this is happening precisely at the
same time that the Jews are staging a major revolt....
Of course, if you cross out "Christian" and write "Jew"
then suddenly you have a story that makes sense. You
now have uppity Jews being tossed to the lions during
a time when they were in revolt and posed a threat to
the state....
And Jesus? His whole "Jews are bad" and "Obey the
Roman law" not to mention "Don't rebel 'cus your
reward is in the next life and the more the status quo
crushes you now the bigger your reward later"....
Hey, it's the meek who shall inherit the earth, right? So
it's a good thing to be a poor, exploited, politically
disenfranchised peasant....
That's not the extant of it though. There's plenty of other
key points that don't make sense unless you scrub
Christianity from the picture....
Jesus was giving very good advice to a colonised people who would have
little chance against the Romans, as later events proved.
Post by GeopeliaOur descendants may have to make a choice between
Christianity and Islam. Let's hope it doesn't come to a
religious war.
Islam is even more obviously contrived than the others,
as there is no historical obscurity. Islam only grew popular
because it grants a license to believers to exploit non
believers. It's no coincidence that Islam went charging out
of a small corner of Saudi Arabia so quickly.
When Christianity did the same thing in the west -- granted
a license to Christians to kill & plunder the non believers --
the EXACT SAME result was seen. We call it "The crusades."
for some inexplicable reason we are spoon fed the history
of the crusades as an example of Christian & western
flaws, and never reminded that Islam was confined to a
small corner of Saudi Arabia before the Islamic crusades
began. That, Islam conquered the Christian Levant, Egypt,
North Africa, Anatolia by the sword.
The Christian Roman Empire extended into Syria and
Jordan before the Muslim crusades....
Exact same results produced by the exact same claim:
"God says it's okay to kill, rape & plunder so long as it's
"What do you want? Wealth? Slaves? Satisfy a psychotic
lust for murder? God approves, so long as you do it to the
That idea was replaced by attempts to convert the "heathen". But even that
is frowned on today.