2007-11-06 00:50:43 UTC
As it seems possible that the skin disease of the Thutmosids may have
required heavy use of liniments, one particular substance they
definitely had access to, in abundance, was cedar oil. Furthermore,
cedar has the highest concentration, among all natural sources, of the
very active chemical thujone.
A little research shows that thujone can be toxic in many ways,
including genetic. It could be possible to show that multi-
generational exposure to heavy, and persistant, dosages of thujone
will lead to congenital defects...possibly even Marfan's Syndrome!
required heavy use of liniments, one particular substance they
definitely had access to, in abundance, was cedar oil. Furthermore,
cedar has the highest concentration, among all natural sources, of the
very active chemical thujone.
A little research shows that thujone can be toxic in many ways,
including genetic. It could be possible to show that multi-
generational exposure to heavy, and persistant, dosages of thujone
will lead to congenital defects...possibly even Marfan's Syndrome!