The Great Pyramid Of Giza
(too old to reply)
2009-03-29 20:50:29 UTC
Mystery Solved - The Egyptians Used Atlantean Sonic Quartz Crystal
Resonance Technology To Transport Pyramidic Blocks In The Air Without
Any Need To Lift Them.
2009-03-29 23:16:18 UTC
Post by GoldenHeart
Mystery Solved - The Egyptians Used Atlantean Sonic Quartz
Crystal Resonance Technology To Transport Pyramidic Blocks
In The Air Without Any Need To Lift Them.
Yes, of course. And then they used their super advanced
technology to fake the lengthy archaeological record
establishing the slow evolution from earth mound through
mastabas and on to the step pyramid, before finally attempting
a true pyramid... and failing... twice.

Because that's what people with super advanced technology do!
2009-04-20 11:20:29 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by GoldenHeart
Mystery Solved - The Egyptians Used Atlantean Sonic Quartz
Crystal Resonance Technology To Transport Pyramidic Blocks
In The Air Without Any Need To Lift Them.
Yes, of course. And then they used their super advanced
technology to fake the lengthy archaeological record
establishing the slow evolution from earth mound through
mastabas and on to the step pyramid, before finally attempting
a true pyramid... and failing... twice.
Because that's what people with super advanced technology do!
Do you really think The Egyptians used slaves to make the pyramids.

The stone slabs were actually levitated by Kirmur(Past Life - Egyptian
Priestess - 4023BC).

She could also hypnotise from a distance, know past/present/future
events, become invisible, shrink down to 5 inches & grow to 9ft
2009-04-21 05:08:56 UTC
Post by GoldenHeart
Do you really think The Egyptians used slaves to make the pyramids.
Of course not. Nobody does. The belief is that it was something akin
to a national service -- like the military.

WHO built the pyramids was never in question.
