John Uebersax
2008-12-16 21:20:28 UTC
Hello Group,
This link will display a photo with the following caption: Tuth-Shena
in awe of the god Horus, who emits rays of _Datura_ [a psychoactive
plant, aka Jimson weed]
Loading Image...
Can anyone identify this picture -- where it comes from? (I mean in
Egypt, not in what book does it appear, although that also might help
identify the scene.) I'd like to getter a better quality image of the
scene, preferably in color.
John U.
This link will display a photo with the following caption: Tuth-Shena
in awe of the god Horus, who emits rays of _Datura_ [a psychoactive
plant, aka Jimson weed]
Loading Image...
Can anyone identify this picture -- where it comes from? (I mean in
Egypt, not in what book does it appear, although that also might help
identify the scene.) I'd like to getter a better quality image of the
scene, preferably in color.
John U.