JERICHO: RC14, Hatshepsut and K. Kenyon revised
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2009-06-10 12:01:30 UTC
Kathleen Kenyon, renown archaeologist who dug up Jericho
believes there was a substantial gap of time, up to 150 years
from the fall of MBA city destroyed circa 1550 BCE.
This date is fairly certain because of busshels of grain
burned at the time of the destruction which can be
dated effectively by RC14 (radiocarbon dating)
which dates the destruction about 1560-1550 BCE.
Using pottery comparisons she estimated a gap in
occupation of about 150 years with a reoccupation
around 1400 BCE. This 1400 BCE occupation
was destroyed between 1350-1325 BCE
per Kenyon. Here is her quote:

Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up Jericho, Jericho and the Coming of the
Israelites, page 262:

"As concerns the date of the destruction of Jericho by the Israelites, all
that can be said is that the latest Bronze Age occupation should, in my
view, be dated to the third quarter of the fourteenth century B.C. This is a
date which suits neither the school of scholars which would date the entry
of the Israelites into Palestine to c. 1400 B.C. nor the school which
prefers a date of c. 1260 B.C."

However, as other archaeologists have pointed out,
scarabs from the reign of Hatshepsut through
Amenhotep III were found in nearby tombs which
tend to confirm a continuous occupation during or
immediately after the reign of Hatshepsut (1515-1494 BCE)
down past the reign of Amenhotep III (1424-1386 BCE)
at the very earliest (based on KTU 1.78 text dating).

This evidence thus conflicts with Kenyon's belief the
LBA city destroyed by Joshua was only a recent
occupation beginning around 1400 BCE, but instead
would have been occupied for up to 100 years earlier
if that occupation occurred during the reign of

Of note, though, this dating does not conflict with
the RC14 confirmed dating of Jericho's destruction
c. 1560-1550 BCE based on the RC14 findings.
Hatshepsut's earliest dated reign c. 1515 BCE would
confirm the city was rebuilt about a 50-75 years after
it had been destroyed in 1550 BCE, thus the LBA
occupation was not a mere 50 years as Kenyon
suggests, but up to 150 years (1500-1350 BCE vs
1400-1350 BCE).

Of course, the last scarabs found from the reign of
Amenhotep III would tend to confirm Kenyon's
belief that the city was destroyed between 1350-1325 BCE
by the Isrealites. Since the Israelites would have
left Egypt 40 years earlier, that gives an Exodus
range of 1390-1365 BCE. This range of dating
is consistent with the KTU 1.78-based dating
for the end of the reign of Amenhotep III in
1386 BCE, which would have also been the
year of the Exodus. 1386 BCE, of course,
falls within the Jericho-based range of
1390-1386 BCE.

Rounding out this dating is more RC14 dating
from Rehov which dates Shishak's invasion
c. 871 BCE, year 39 of Solomon. When that
RC14 dating is applied to the timeline, year
4 of Solomon falls in 906 BCE which means
the Exodus, 480 years earlier, falls in 1386 BCE,
the same dating you get when you apply the
KTU 1.78 astronomical text that dates year
12 of Akhenaten to 1375 BCE, and thus
his 1st year and the last of Amenhotep III to
1386 BCE. (1375 + 11 = 1386 BCE).


Of note, the Bible records massive walls of
Jericho that were quite impressive, which were
brought down miraculously by trumpet blasts
with a little help from their Creator-god,
YHWH. Regarding those walls though, Kenyon

From "Digging Up Jericho" page 261:

"It is a sad fact that of the town walls of the Late Bronze Age, within

period the attack by the Israelites must fall by any dating, not a trace

Christian Biblicalist harmonize this evidence with
the Biblical suggestion that these LBA walls might have
been other than mud bricks used in previous occupations but
were ashlar stones similar to those found at Hazor that the
Israelites destroyed. The stones at Hazor have evidence of
great heat from a fire and the Bible says that the Israelites
did burn down Hazor. If so, that would explain the great
reputation of the impenetrable walls of Jericho.

However, if the walls were not simply toppled but actually
destroyed by sound waves, they would have been
demolished into sand particles. Medical science uses
a process called electroshock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) to
pulverize kidney stones into fine sandlike particles that
can then be easily flushed. This process uses sound waves.
Thus the Biblical account about the trumpet blasts would
be a reference to the scientific method in which the
walls were brought down, if using sound waves, would
have brought them down by pulverizing them into sand
particles. The account says that the walls "fell flat" which
is consistent with the walls being turned to sand and thus
lying flat on the ground allowing the Israelites to rush into
the city over the sand.

In this case, however, with the ashlar block stone walls
being turned into sand by the coverted sound waves from
the trumpet lasts into shockwaves, only sand would remain
from the former walls, which would long be washed away
or blown away by the winds of time and thus no evidence of
any walls from that occupation still in existence to
commemorate the great stone walls of Jericho. Thus, indeed,
as Kenyon notes, no trace at all of any massive stones
were found from this level. Thus archaeologically confirming
the walls must have been destroyed completely, which
sound waves can accomplish.

Also confirming the walls were completely destroyed is the
massive erosion of this level. Without those foundation stones
remaining there would be little to impede erosion over the years,
thus this level is nearly completely eroded with just one small
room left from this level. Of course, archaeologists assume this
means this level was a small occupation level, but the historical
record attests to the contrary. Of course, you can't decide
what the entire original city was like based on what is left from
the massive erosion. In fact, Kenyon even suggested that the
erosion was so extensive another city would have been built
on top of this layer and we wouldn't know it because it would
have been completely eroded. The scarabs would prove
otherwise, of course, and that was just a statement in passing
of how extensive the erosion of this level was. Again,
the massive erosion and no evidence of any huge stones
from the walls would contfirm those walls were completely
destroyed by sound waves and thus reduced to sand.

I mention this because even though Kenyon is quite clear
this is the only city occupation that Israelites could have
destroyed, the lack of walls at this level have others trying
to link the Israelites to the walls destroyed in 1550 BCE.
However, if the walls were destroyed there would be
no need to look any further than the LBA town destroyed
in 1346 BCE, 40 years after the confirmed date of the
Exodus in 1386 BCE at the end of the reign of
Amenhotep III.

2009-06-11 10:38:29 UTC
Post by Moshiyosef
I mention this because even though Kenyon is quite clear
this is the only city occupation that Israelites could have
destroyed, the lack of walls at this level have others trying
to link the Israelites to the walls destroyed in 1550 BCE.
However, if the walls were destroyed there would be
no need to look any further than the LBA town destroyed
in 1346 BCE, 40 years after the confirmed date of the
Exodus in 1386 BCE at the end of the reign of
Amenhotep III.
Jericho was destroyed in 1473 BC
despite its origins being C14 dated as 7000 BC
for its occupancy of 2237 BC.
The curve is not just the increase of C14 after
a 40-foot water canopy dropped but also due to
false egyptian chronology dating Venus the death
of Unas to the year 2320 BC BC instead of 2029 BC
(291 years = 243 +48)
as well as Sothis to the date Koyak 25
as 2321 BC July 18 or 2320 BC July 17
instead of 2030 BC May 7 and 2029 BC May 6
(73 leap days of 292 years)

as 20,000 for 2370 BC
10,000 for 2320 BC
7000 for 2237 BC
3000 for 2170 BC
2030 BC = 2030 BC
is absurd. However, to fit chronology after 2030 BC
archeology forces C14 scientists to conform to
claiming this shift of 292 years,
and 12th dynasty 48 years (ending with Joseph),
and Kenyon's 1550 BC Jericho instead of 1473 BC
recognized by Rome's era 753 BC as sothic exodus
(after 40 years) of 720 years 180 leap days so as to claim
they will be the New Chaldea
the New City (God's or gods)
City of Peace
to take Canaan as promised land (by Noah) some day, not Israel.
Few people realized the land promised to Abram was
the promise of Noah's curse and that Shem Melchizedek
assuredc that if he wait that it could or would be his.

By forcing a curve in C14 to fit this false Egyptian chron
the tree ring method is puzzled together to claim
it is so. Egyptian chron also places 12th dynasty
in 1991 BC instead of 1943 BC confusing Abram's
house in Harran at age 27 in Shulgi's 1st year
with his deserting his house in 1943 BC at 75
in Shulgi's last year of 48.
This causes a shift back of 48 years for the end
in 1785-1778 BV instead of 1737-1730 BC. Which
is claimed as part of that C14 shift of tree rings
in the USA some 9000 miles from Egypt.

The fact that Kenyon's date is 77 years not 48 in error
seems to merely confirm the walls were deteriated
30 years before trumpets brought the unmortared walls
down. The spies inspected the walls not the people.
They assured Rahab her house would not fall and so
it doesnt mean her home stood due to miracle, much
less the miracle of a red rope in the window, but rather
Israel was told not to kill the people who were in the
house with the red rope. When someone listens to a
warning they save everyone who goes with them.

To date an Exodus by Amenhotep is to ignore
that Psalms (of Moses) said Pharaoh drowned.
It is to ignore that global armageddon hit that year
recognized by Roman Era is based on known
Chinese Noah's Flood calc as 2953 BC being
1440 years to 1513 BC exodus.
1440x 365 = 1460x 360
and 1440 Julian - 1461x 360

This is confirmed by the fact that half of that
sothic doctrine is 2233 BC which being 137 years
after a hebrew 2370 BC Flood instead of as
Chinese Flood 2953 BC being 137 years after
Egyptian Septuagint Genesis 3090 BC Flood
based on Ramses canon on (1290 BC) as year 1800
= 340+1460 sothic
= 600+ 1200 venus
we find that 137 Julian = 139x 360
confirming that if 720 is sothic 180 leap days
instead of 1440 as 360 leap days
that the 139x 360 days is thus sothic return for the 360-day calendar
Flood 2370 -2233 BC Ur six years after foundation
or the 7th year.

2009-06-30 19:01:55 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
This is confirmed by the fact that half of that
sothic doctrine is 2233 BC which being 137 years
after a hebrew 2370 BC Flood instead of as
Chinese Flood 2953 BC being 137 years after
Egyptian Septuagint Genesis 3090 BC Flood
based on Ramses canon on (1290 BC) as year 1800
= 340+1460 sothic
= 600+ 1200 venus
we find that 137 Julian = 139x 360
confirming that if 720 is sothic 180 leap days
instead of 1440 as 360 leap days
that the 139x 360 days is thus sothic return for the 360-day calendar
Flood 2370 -2233 BC Ur six years after foundation
or the 7th year.
Poor silly jews think a single sentence in their recent myths is
evidence of any value to anybody

jews simply invent evidence , and destroy everything that proves they
are wrong

Thank GOD jews will soon run out of money and be forced to face


The Bronze age collapse of 1300 BC was almost certainly caused by the
ending of tin and gold mining that ceased at the same time in South
Australia IMHO

Robert Drews describes the collapse as "the worst disaster in ancient
history, even more calamitous than the collapse of the Western Roman
Empire".[4] A number of people have spoken of the cultural memories of
the disaster as stories of a "lost golden age". Hesiod for example
spoke of Ages of Gold, Silver and Bronze, separated from the modern
harsh cruel world of the Age of Iron by the Age of Heroes.

[edit] Nature and causes of destruction

As part of the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age Dark Ages, it was a
period associated with the collapse of central authorities, a general
depopulation, particularly of highly urban areas, the loss of literacy
in Anatolia and the Aegean, and its restriction elsewhere, the
disappearance of established patterns of long-distance international
trade, increasingly vicious intra-elite struggles for power, and
reduced options for the elite if not for the general mass of

There are various theories put forward to explain the situation of
collapse, many of them compatible with each other.

seems some local war against the Phoenetians in 1300 BC , cut of
trade , including with South Australian vast tin and gold mines

Even though the Egyptian Turin Papyrus gold mine map showed the layout
of the South Australian mine , clearly those who knew where the mines
were must have all been killed and mining ceased once regular buyers
stopped calling 3200 years ago , creating the need for the iron age
once all available Bronze and gold reserved were plundered the ancient
world imploded for centuries

Clearly the Phoenician miners / traders who left old iron tool
andred / purple leather , behind were using local native peoples to
pound the rocks to extract the gold and tin from the vast mining areas
in South Australia around the Lower Lakes and nearby areas



the evidence of vast Phoenician mining activity in South Australia is
so over whelming its really quite amazing to see experts still
demanding more evidence , while happily accepting a tooth evidence of
an entire breed of animal or human presence , or a single reference in
the bible or ancient poem as evidence of entire civilizations



When Europeans first saw Kangaroo Island it was uninhabited. Mainland
Aborigines called it 'Karta' - Land of the Dead. We now know that
Aborigines had lived on the island until at least 4,000 years ago -
long after the island was isolated from the mainland by rising sea

Who were the Aborigines of Kangaroo Island?
Who else are called Kartan people or Martu people or Per Amun People

Three types of large stone tools found on the island: a hammerstone,
'horsehoof' core, and pebble chopper. After their discovery in the
1930s these large tools became known as 'Kartan implements' - based on
the Ramindjeri word 'Karta' for Kangaroo Island. Collectors H. Cooper,
N.B. Tindale, 1930s, (A2244, A20420, A30163).

The Continuing Mystery
Archaeologists are continuing to uncover new evidence. For example,
examination of pollen spores from ancient bushfires suggests that
Aborigines may have been living on the island until only 2,000 years

The fate of the Kangaroo Island Aborigines is still a mystery. If
they left the Island, why and how did they leave?

If they remained, what became of them?



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Aboriginal environmental impacts - Google Books Result
by James L. Kohen - 1995 - Science - 160 pages
The distinction between Kartan and core tool and scraper
horsehoof cores is based largely on size ... used which required stone
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Australian Archaeology
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the early stone industry is known as the Kartan. Presumably ....
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with the calcareous Upper Mungo Unit, from a few stone tools ...
heavy core scrapers of horsehoof type. I saw none of the small tools
such as tulas and ... heavy core tools means that it is clearly not
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Ngurunderi - Section 6
- 9:20am
Mainland Aborigines called it 'Karta' - Land of the Dead. ...
Three types of large stone tools found on the island: a hammerstone,
'horsehoof' core, ...
www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/ngurunderi/ng9htm.htm - Cached - Similar
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Tours ...
A 'Kartan' chopper or core, with an anvil pit. Collected from
the Hawks Nest site, ... On the basis of the distinctive 'horsehoof'
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by Derek John Mulvaney, Johan Kamminga - 1999 - Social Science -
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'Two 'horsehoof cores of Kartan proportions'and 50 smaller
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Kartan culture: A group of stone assemblages with heavy core
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of stone tools such as horse-hoof cores, steep-edged and notched
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2009-07-01 11:20:15 UTC
is there a reason i am the only man in the worl don this planet of 6
billion who uses all the worlds calendars and finds them derived from
only one biblical Genesis?
