Questions about Egyptian & Pre-Egyptian Languages
(too old to reply)
Prue's Doux
2008-01-11 05:42:30 UTC
I know the ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemut" (The Black
Land; referring to the black soil along the banks of the Nile) &
"Tawy" (The Two Lands; referring to Upper & Lower Egypt), but what did
they call themselves and their language? What did they call the
people who were there before them and their language?
2008-01-11 11:43:55 UTC
Post by Prue's Doux
I know the ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemut" (The Black
Land; referring to the black soil along the banks of the Nile) &
"Tawy" (The Two Lands; referring to Upper & Lower Egypt), but what did
they call themselves and their language?  What did they call the
people who were there before them and their language?
Are you accepting a biblical answer.
First please understand this. That having different handwritings
doesnt mean the language is different.
We have printing and we have cursive handwriting
even though we are english.
However, take this a step further and look who we english
have dozens of computer languages built upon the binary
and incompatible with each other. All these languages ofr
our computers does not change the fact we are english
even though it does change the way we refer to each
machine language. This is the same with the original
world, many ways to write the same language and so
we today think each is a different language.
Even today look how we translate the spanish word
comprende as the english word understand instead
of mentally connecting it with the english word
comprehend proving our languages of same origin.
And we have people who will tell you that holiday
is not holy day.
So before the days of Ramses where Egyptus was
the Greek name of a Pharaoh the land was called
Mizraim and Pathos. In fact if we compare Egyptian
Greek Genesis to Hebrew Genesis we find an issue
with Peleg Mesanipada's death in the same year as
Unas Sokkara. In the Hebrew Genesis, the Chaldean
elders (kings) leave Ur for Ararat and join Hitites who go
down to Mizraim and lay foundation to the city
Noph Mizraim (Memphis) in 2030 BC as 340 years
after the Flood, and creating the 365-day calendar
ten years before the Pharaoh is created in Year 350
which being 355 years of 360 days is Noah's year 955
ending 8th dynasty. This city is built across the river
from Giza which is 140 years old (2170 BC) 200 years
after the Flood.
But the Egyptians insisted the Hyksos were an intrusion
into a calendar already existing since 2770 BC, that
Unas and Peleg died in 2321 BC in Year 768,
Because the Hyksos were Shemites and the original
population Hamites, the black land was not just soil
butt black skin. And upper and lower Egypt were two
races. The fact that Pharaoh was created in the year
350 tells us it was created when Noah died.
This is important because it says the man is dead
so why does his word have power anymore in
cursing one brother against the other. Narmer
saw unification or a merge as being peace not as
compromise or tainting whats right.
Language is like calendar, if you refuse to follow
the origins, you never connect them all. Instead
you make Julian dates of Julius Caesar
as far back as you choose, or insist no other
calendars connect from each other. It is like
insisting every mother and father has their own
mother and father and therefore the world population
must have been bigger and bigger as you go back in time.
2008-01-11 18:39:33 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
Are you accepting a biblical answer.
This explains the Elijahovah weirdo, tell you
everything you need to know about him:

Prue's Doux
2008-01-12 23:33:10 UTC
Post by Elijahovah
Post by Prue's Doux
I know the ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemut" (The Black
Land; referring to the black soil along the banks of the Nile) &
"Tawy" (The Two Lands; referring to Upper & Lower Egypt), but what did
they call themselves and their language?  What did they call the
people who were there before them and their language?
Are you accepting a biblical answer.
First please understand this. That having different handwritings
doesnt mean the language is different.
We have printing and we have cursive handwriting
even though we are english.
However, take this a step further and look who we english
have dozens of computer languages built upon the binary
and incompatible with each other. All these languages ofr
our computers does not change the fact we are english
even though it does change the way we refer to each
machine language. This is the same with the original
world, many ways to write the same language and so
we today think each is a different language.
Even today look how we translate the spanish word
comprende as the english word understand instead
of mentally connecting it with the english word
comprehend proving our languages of same origin.
And we have people who will tell you that holiday
is not holy day.
So before the days of Ramses where Egyptus was
the Greek name of a Pharaoh the land was called
Mizraim and Pathos. In fact if we compare Egyptian
Greek Genesis to Hebrew Genesis we find an issue
with Peleg Mesanipada's death in the same year as
Unas Sokkara. In the Hebrew Genesis, the Chaldean
elders (kings) leave Ur for Ararat and join Hitites who go
down to Mizraim and lay foundation to the city
Noph Mizraim (Memphis) in 2030 BC as 340 years
after the Flood, and creating the 365-day calendar
ten years before the Pharaoh is created in Year 350
which being 355 years of 360 days is Noah's year 955
ending 8th dynasty. This city is built across the river
from Giza which is 140 years old (2170 BC) 200 years
after the Flood.
But the Egyptians insisted the Hyksos were an intrusion
into a calendar already existing since 2770 BC, that
Unas and Peleg died in 2321 BC in Year 768,
Because the Hyksos were Shemites and the original
population Hamites, the black land was not just soil
butt black skin. And upper and lower Egypt were two
races. The fact that Pharaoh was created in the year
350 tells us it was created when Noah died.
This is important because it says the man is dead
so why does his word have power anymore in
cursing one brother against the other. Narmer
saw unification or a merge as being peace not as
compromise or tainting whats right.
Language is like calendar, if you refuse to follow
the origins, you never connect them all. Instead
you make Julian dates of Julius Caesar
as far back as you choose, or insist no other
calendars connect from each other. It is like
insisting every mother and father has their own
mother and father and therefore the world population
must have been bigger and bigger as you go back in time.
I am a believer in the Scriptures but that's the Hebrew viewpoint of
things. I'm seeking how the Egyptians saw themselves and those before
Tracy Johnson
2008-01-15 02:01:36 UTC
Strange but true!

If it helps, "Misr" is also the Modern Standard Arabic word for "Egypt" and would apply in all Arabic speaking countries
(including Egypt.)
Post by Prue's Doux
Post by Elijahovah
Post by Prue's Doux
I know the ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemut" (The Black
Land; referring to the black soil along the banks of the Nile) &
"Tawy" (The Two Lands; referring to Upper & Lower Egypt), but what did
they call themselves and their language? What did they call the
people who were there before them and their language?
Are you accepting a biblical answer.
First please understand this. That having different handwritings
doesnt mean the language is different.
We have printing and we have cursive handwriting
even though we are english.
However, take this a step further and look who we english
have dozens of computer languages built upon the binary
and incompatible with each other. All these languages ofr
our computers does not change the fact we are english
even though it does change the way we refer to each
machine language. This is the same with the original
world, many ways to write the same language and so
we today think each is a different language.
Even today look how we translate the spanish word
comprende as the english word understand instead
of mentally connecting it with the english word
comprehend proving our languages of same origin.
And we have people who will tell you that holiday
is not holy day.
So before the days of Ramses where Egyptus was
the Greek name of a Pharaoh the land was called
Mizraim and Pathos. In fact if we compare Egyptian
Greek Genesis to Hebrew Genesis we find an issue
with Peleg Mesanipada's death in the same year as
Unas Sokkara. In the Hebrew Genesis, the Chaldean
elders (kings) leave Ur for Ararat and join Hitites who go
down to Mizraim and lay foundation to the city
Noph Mizraim (Memphis) in 2030 BC as 340 years
after the Flood, and creating the 365-day calendar
ten years before the Pharaoh is created in Year 350
which being 355 years of 360 days is Noah's year 955
ending 8th dynasty. This city is built across the river
from Giza which is 140 years old (2170 BC) 200 years
after the Flood.
But the Egyptians insisted the Hyksos were an intrusion
into a calendar already existing since 2770 BC, that
Unas and Peleg died in 2321 BC in Year 768,
Because the Hyksos were Shemites and the original
population Hamites, the black land was not just soil
butt black skin. And upper and lower Egypt were two
races. The fact that Pharaoh was created in the year
350 tells us it was created when Noah died.
This is important because it says the man is dead
so why does his word have power anymore in
cursing one brother against the other. Narmer
saw unification or a merge as being peace not as
compromise or tainting whats right.
Language is like calendar, if you refuse to follow
the origins, you never connect them all. Instead
you make Julian dates of Julius Caesar
as far back as you choose, or insist no other
calendars connect from each other. It is like
insisting every mother and father has their own
mother and father and therefore the world population
must have been bigger and bigger as you go back in time.
I am a believer in the Scriptures but that's the Hebrew viewpoint of
things. I'm seeking how the Egyptians saw themselves and those before
2008-02-23 03:38:12 UTC
Post by Tracy Johnson
If it helps, "Misr" is also the Modern Standard Arabic word for "Egypt" and would apply in all Arabic speaking countries
(including Egypt.)
Misr is the biblical Mizraim the grandson of Noah.
That is why Memphis is Greek for the name Noph.
So when you say Memphis Egytp you are saying Noph Mizraim.
The name Egypt comes from Egyptus in the year 1290 BC.
Egypt is said to have rfuled with Seth and Ramses.
Janet Quick
2008-01-12 07:23:59 UTC
I have read that the Nile Valley farmers of early dynastic times divided the
people of "the world" into four groups:
Temehu - Libyans (coastal northwest)
Romut - themselves
Aamu - mountain dwellers to the east
Nehesu - people from further south in Africa

I'm sorry I can't tell you the accuracy of this information.
Prue's Doux
2008-01-12 23:31:44 UTC
Post by Janet Quick
I have read that the Nile Valley farmers of early dynastic times divided the
Temehu - Libyans (coastal northwest)
Romut - themselves
Aamu - mountain dwellers to the east
Nehesu - people from further south in Africa
I'm sorry I can't tell you the accuracy of this information.
That's fine, Janet. I can look up the accuracy myself. Thanks for
the list.
2009-02-15 09:39:59 UTC
below is today's post on Mobile Audit Club website by
Kurt Brown,
alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC federal bank examiner

Mobile Audit Club


and Youtube Saintrambone videos (some were edited by Youtube or federal


Daily Foreword 2-15-2009:

This post will be moved to the Quatrains 8 page after it comes off of the
home page. The Egyptians who have come into my life have come at the
strangest times. And each time, even though harsh times, I felt they were
not against me.

The first Egyptian was a man who was the passenger in the front seat of the
Veterans Administration Los Angeles Westwood police car. He was assisting
the cop who was driving I suppose. I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone,
surviving FDIC bank examiner, now X number 017 911 84, (decipher the
encrypted number), was being transported from the Los Angeles Veterans
Administration to the Los Angeles California County Jail on May 1, 2001
after I had been injected with chemicals and basically tortured by
associates of money launderers and war criminals in the USA federal

The Egyptian stayed in the car when the other officer escorted me into the
jail in handcuffs, if I remember correctly. But looking back on that
incident, I do not recall what happened to him. I was too alarmed at what
was happening to me and was hoping the courts would have mercy. They did
not show mercy. Did the Egyptian enter the jail as an inmate of sorts?
What happened to him? Did he just park the car? He was very quiet and
solemn as we drove to the LA County Jail. I lost a tooth in LA county jail
when I was hit by an old man who was deranged. I could have killed him, but
I walked away and felt pity for both of us, and wanted to save my revenge
and put it in God's hands. I was determined to be released on 8-11-2001. On
9-11-2001, the wealthy of the USA and their warmongers at the Pentagon got
kicked in the teeth by one of God's mules, that is my belief.

The next Egyptian I met was in Mobile Alabama County Jail sometime around
April of 2004. I had tried to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting
and to film as an investigative reporter. They would not allow me in, so I
started yelling and I was knocked down and had cops crawling all over me and
I was arrested. One was acting as if he was trying to break my neck when I
was held down.

The Egyptian at Mobile County Jail that I met had been a store clerk who was
arrested for selling liquor to a minor at a convenience store. We spoke
briefly and he was a very nice and amicable man. I asked him how to say the
one sentence I know in Arabic, "I am from the poor" "La Hatsu Ghaniyaan".
He taught me to pronounce it. Then the jailers came to get him from the
holding tank to take him to his cell. He looked back at me horrified. I
was released 8 hours later and went to court at Judge Michael McMakens
courtroom several months later and asked to be able to film in the lobby of
their closed government. He said I coul, but I was threatened with arrest
later. I hope their government is overthrown and their controllers are
taught by God that that is not their destiny to rule us, but to live by
God's law or under his true servants paws or pawls. My attorney advised me
not to speak to Judge McMaken in the courtroom. The case had been nolle
processed, and the charge was disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. I
spit blood that night of the court hearing.

Our nightmare is embodied in my life and of those around me. I wonder
sometimes about myself now. Who am I really? What sort of war is waging?
Why has God forsaken me? Forsaken us? I pray for the end of time of this
nightmare and that those I love and cherish are escorted into God's house
and the fields of plenty. For those who have crossed me and other humane
men, they will have to be re-taught, or is that strung taut? It will be
God's verdict, just as 9-11-2001. They say I threaten them, they say we all
threaten them. They or IT is our enemy and feels threatened because they are
weak and sub-lime, beneath the lowest belly of the lowest rock snakes.

I will never trust the Veterans Administration again. I will never trust
the federal government of the United States again or the lower governments.
The judges in the courts do not want us to speak and treat us as their
lessers. Their war criminal behavior should be noted and their controllers
taken out with a bloody vengeance if necessary. I will try to summon all
that I can with my power for this deed. That is a divine thought in which I
ask for God to level them and to raise us or perhaps his own, and to end our
suffering, in any course.

The Egyptian Pharoahs said Moses was a liar. But was Moses in the burning
bush fire?


Is it possible that Moses could in fact come back from the dead? Was the
Egyptian escorting me in 2001 back from the dead? I had considered suicide
after being injected and tortured and forced medical procedures and
threatened with long term incarceration. I had made a rope of a cut up
bedsheet, but changed my mind and hid it. The Vietnamese doctor knew of it
and she saw me on camera I suppose, as I had hid it in the laundry room,
atop a shelf. Was I hung with it by someone? I later considered running into
traffic when I went to court and was ordered to LA County jail with a
million dollars bail for ownership of my legal guns in my Uhaul and truck.
One gun was missing, the bail should have been 1.25 million, if their logic
illogic is followed. Was the Egyptian in Mobile County Jail back from the
dead and was his concern not for himself but for me? Were the attacks on
government in 2001 in the USA heralded or called in upon by the Egyptian who
was one of the escorts in the car but who would not escort me into that
horrid LA County Jail?

Their treatment of myself and the other men was horrible. I regret having
served their military and would serve God's True Armies to kill those or
that which abuses us. Let us welcome true eternal death, or glorious lives
in deaths, rather than subjugation by something that appears to be as cruel
and inhumane and sadistic as a thousand war lord chariot drivers with our
children under their tyres. One woman in Mill Valley California told me the
government did me no favor by putting me on Individual Unemployability,
which is 100% disability payment but you can not work or you lose it. I will
go back to work now. I want to curse the regime in God's name, but I will
let God decide the course, and I pray it is under the tyre.

Why was I marked on the right eyelid, the ankle, the spine, and why was I so
strong as a child, like a descendant of a slave turned athlete. Some say a
descendant of a gladiator, but weren't slaves and gladiators of the same
stock? I truly feel I must go to Egypt. I would hope to find the man who
was in the jail with me. I would hope to see the Egyptian who was in the
police car, but this time at the door of a waiting limousine, so that we
could share a drink of purified water purified by a true Jewish friend of
mine who specializes in that craft. I would like to go see a true world
leader, if he or she or IT or they exist. We do not have leaders. We have

I remember two of the most lovely people that I have known my entire life.
They seemed different the last time I saw them. May their lives be of
contentment, as they have suffered very much, as I have, but they are not
gladiators in spirit, as they are more like slaves.

It is in decyphering the encryptic that makes us loose and free and wild, as
those lesser beings are too constrained by the mundane and can not imagine a
wing, or even a heavenly thing. Perhaps I am alone. I feel alone, and
sometimes cherish it or despise it. The government has sabotaged my life
and bent me to their or IT's will. Now I bend them or IT or myself out of
their loop or die, like so many before, and one day, their wound shall not
heal. And true mankind will be triumphant once again. If he is not humane,
banish him and crush him and wait for God's tyre.

below is today's post on Mobile Audit Club website by
Kurt Brown,
alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC federal bank examiner

Mobile Audit Club


and Youtube Saintrambone videos (some were edited by Youtube or federal


(When I speak of wings on my spine, I am speaking of something odd I saw on
magnetic resonance imaging in the doctors office. Perhaps I am just
controlled, perhaps still a slave to a lesser or greater being or likely
both. My life has been hellish and would welcome a bullet to the head if it
did more than break a tooth, eliminating me forever, and all things I have
known or seen that suffer or will suffer, including my own.)

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