Tutankhamun tomb treasures
(too old to reply)
salah 20
2021-03-23 20:03:19 UTC
Over 3,000 treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamun in his afterlife, and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld. The chamber contained four gilded shrines, inside which was a red quartzite sarcophagus containing three nesting coffins.

Tutankhamun's mummy rested in the innermost coffin, which is made of solid gold and weighs approximately 110.4 kilos (242.9 lbs.). His body was wrapped in linen and over his face was placed an exquisite gold mask.

2021-04-14 22:34:44 UTC
Post by salah 20
Over 3,000 treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamun in his afterlife, and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld. The chamber contained four gilded shrines, inside which was a red quartzite sarcophagus containing three nesting coffins.
I'm like a minority of one here but I always suspected that his tomb was
overstocked. That, it was unusually rich, his treasures. That, they looting
the tombs of other Amarna nobles -- certainly his dad. This could be have
been out of necessity, like if he died unexpectedly, or it could have been
as a sign of disrespect to the Amarna reign.

Plus, when a pharaoh died he became, what, Osiris? And the previous
Pharaoh had already died and was already Osiris. So in a very real sense,
to the Egyptians, the previous pharaoh and the current one are the same
person. Well, the same god. So it would be totally okay for a pharaoh to
take the contents of a tomb because it's his tomb. Right?

Plus if they are different people/gods, these two pharaohs, then wiping
the previous one from existence -- by removing his name and likeness,
desecrating his mummy -- is eliminating the competition. It's emptying
the seat in the afterlife so you can take it...

But that's deeper into speculation. It was probably a case where they
hated all things Amarna so loot their tombs to fill Tut's!

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